
397 13 7

Steamy 🧖‍♀️

The doors to the club open and we step over the threshold. I break out into a million dollar grin when Gangsta's Paradise by Coolio starts playing almost in perfect beat of our arrival. Rolling back my shoulders I take a look at Lo.

  He seems to be okay so I make our way deeper into the club. The first area is just like a regular club, it has a DJ, bar, and people grinding on each other. I wanted this place to have something for everyone.

  So if you just wanted a night to dance you can, but if you want some real fun just follow the red doors.

  "I need a drink." Lo shouts from beside me.

I nod, I could use one too. We find an empty spot by the bar and I order us two whiskeys neat.

A minute later the drinks arrive and Lo is already downing it and ordering a second.

  I just smile into my sip. He's nervous. "Are you ready for the next room?" I ask once his second drink disappears.

  "What's in the next room?" I don't respond. I simply get up and walk towards the next door, he'll follow.

Each door leads into a dark hallway that slowly takes theme of the next room. Once you feel the atmosphere change you have arrived to your new destination.

  This room is basically a strip club. There are three main stages in here. One directly in the middle of the room the other two just off to the side.

  I guide Lo to a small table in front of the smaller stage to our right. A woman is already topless on it, and has bills hanging from her black lace panties.

Lo relaxes in the chair not giving away too many emotions right now.

  He watches her crawl across the stage, and eye fuck him. While my eyes are trained on him.

I notice the corner of his lip lift but he slowly drops it. When I turn to see what the woman just did, she is no longer on the stage.

  Confused I look back to him. "Am I more fascinating than that ladies tits?" He asks. My eyes widen.

He knows I stare at him already, and I've never cared when he caught me, this time just seems more....intimate.

  "Yeah, actually you are." I reply with ease, trying to seem calmer than I feel.

"I want to see that other room..Now." I don't miss the sexual tone to his voice. It has my heart racing.

This time Lo is leading the way. He opens the next red door and my ears are instantly bombarded with moans. I notice Lo stiffen but he keeps walking. This hallways is pitch black.

You feel the brush of bodies against you as you make your way by, some also try and get a little handsy. Making our way further, we can see the red glow of our next adventure.

This room will be a little more of a shock to him, hopefully it's a good shock. Moans grow louder and louder until we are fully surrounded by them.

This room is illuminated by red neon lights, and has multiple black leather sofas scattered around.

I stop and wait for Lo to get adjusted to what he's seeing. Naked bodies decorate the room pleasuring each other. Sounds of flesh hitting flesh, and blissful relief sing in the air.

I take his hand and guide him towards a sofa in the far corner, it is private no lights are around it. He takes his seat and I make myself comfortable right beside him. He shifts his focus to the threesome beside us.

A man has a woman sprawled out before him, while he pleasures the man standing before him. Taking all of him in his mouth. It makes my dick twitch I wonder what it's doing for Lo. I faintly see him clench his fists.

Are enjoying this capo? I think you are. I leave him be for a few more minutes. This is a lot for a first timer, I wouldn't want to push him.

"Is this the last room?" His question comes out pained. "No. We have one more room capo." He turns to me but doesn't look me in the eyes.

"What's next?" He asks.

I lean into him, my lips hovering above the shell of his ear. His lips part, but he is quick to grab the bottom one between his lips. It's taking everything in me not too take it between my own.

"That's for another day capo." He slightly turns and now my lips are too close to his. "Gio?"

"I'm not Gio." He licks his lips before correcting himself. "Ace?"

Good boy.

"Yes?" He turns away from me seemly changing his mind. No tell me what you want capo. I turn his head back to me and before he can even tell me what he wants I capture his lips with mine.

His calloused hand shoots up and grips the back of my neck, pushing me further into him. God he tastes dangerous. Like cigarettes and sin. The kiss is angry, I wouldn't be surprised if our lips are bleeding when we come up for air.

If we ever come up for air. He nips my bottom lip causing a groan to slip, he takes the opportunity to slip his tongue in.

Fuck. I feel like a teenager making out in my parents basement, but I've never been this turned on in my entire life.

Suddenly he pulls away. I lean in trying to capture his lips again, he places his hands on my shoulders.

"We can't. I don't want to hurt Amara." He whispers.

"We aren't us right now capo." I capture his lips again, but his kiss has no passion this time. "It's not right." He says with more force.

Fuck. "Okay you're right." I lean back into the sofa.

He adjust his mask and asked if we can leave. "Of course." I reply trying to not sound so disappointed.

We make our towards the exit, he's stops and says. "I'm sorry. I just won't be the reason Amara gets hurt."

"Don't apologize, I understand." Is the last words we exchange. We don't say anything else to each other the whole way home, the tension in the car is loud enough.

Lorenzo tries to apologize to me again once we get home, I ignore him and head straight up the staircase. My cock fucking hurts and I need some kind of release.

  "Gio, don't be upset with me please." Lo pleads.

  "Capo I'm not fucking mad, I'm fucking horny and unless your going to get down on your knees. I suggest you just allow me and my right hand to have a little alone time." His mouth snaps shuts.

That wasn't very nice of my but I don't really care right now.

  That's what I thought. I turn around and head for my shower. My dick is practically clawing it's way through my slacks.

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