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My father convinced Giovanni to let us fly in a week. I have some affairs to get in order before I can move there for five months. Amara would also like time to go through her things and pack.

I've settled most of my business affairs already I just have to train Luca on how to run the clubs while I'm gone. The clubs have been mine since I turned eighteen my father wanted me to earn my own.

"I swear Luca if you fuck my shit up I'll cut your dick off and feed it to Ruby." I point to the Rottweiler that's at my feet. Ruby is Amara's, and she is having a hard time about leaving her. I'll see if I can convince Giovanni to let her keep the mutt after the wedding.

"I would never mio amico." I shoot daggers at him. He will fuck something up, I just hope it's not something major. "You tell me if he does anything stupid okay Bella." I say to the smarter mammal in the room.

She barks in response and Luca crosses his arms like a toddler. "Now if you don't mind, I'm going to help Amara pack and than speak to Satan."

With this I'm out of the club and headed to my Audi R8. I hop in and grip the steering wheel. "I'm going to miss you." I dramatically say to the vehicle before I speed away.

Thirty five minutes later I'm walking into Amara's room. "Shit Mar! You have too much stuff." Clothes are thrown all over the room boxes are piled high in one corner, she even has a pile of letters I wrote her when she was four and I was away at boarding school. "I know I don't know what to do, I can't live without it all." She whines.

"Sure you can, think about all the things you can buy with your new husbands credit card." She whips around and plasters the biggest smile on her face. "That is why I love you!" she jumps into my arms.

I playfully shove her away and head into her closet. I pick up and few items and toss them in the donate pile, she won't notice. "Have you talked to papa yet?" I toss her favourite pair of Jimmy Choos in a box and hand it too her.

"No I wanted to help you first." She takes the box and smiles at the collection of things to keep. "You should go, I can handle this. If not I'll just find you later." She waves her hand towards the door and I drop a few more items in donations.

The walk to my fathers office is my least favourite thing about this house. He has giant portraits of my mother, and her smiles in everyone never reach her eyes. It's makes me sad to see how unhappy she was before me.

It makes me want to punch my father for making her that way, and making Amara have the same fate. I enter his office without knocking he was expecting me at one point today. A woman shoots up from her position between my fathers legs.

The blondes cheeks flush and I feel sort of bad for embarrassing her. "Fuck Lorenzo." My father quickly fixes himself. The woman has her arms crossed over her chest. I didn't even notice the lack or clothing on her. She is looking around for her top, but I spot it ripped up by the door.

I shrug off my jacket and walk over to her placing the expensive jacket around her shoulders. "Wait in my room." He barks at the woman. She gives me a thankful smile than walks to the door behind my father, and not the one I just came from.

"Knock next time." I give a bored look. This is nothing new to me, he has a new toy every month. "Sorry." I say without a hint of apology in my tone. He fixes his hair and I stand in front of his desk.

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