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   "You are the ocean amore mio. You are fierce,strong and oh so beautiful, and one day you will conquer all things life throws at you, but never do it alone. Love is one thing every human needs, and you my son are all I ever needed."

  My mothers words echo through my mind. Love. That's one thing mama I have yet to conquer. I've tried, but all the women my father has lined up for me have made me feel nothing. I've never felt anything towards anyone, no one other than my baby sister.

  I care about her, but that's all I seem to care for. Right now she is inside waiting for her future husband. Giovanni Marchetti. The Marchetti's live in Sicily so soon I'll be saying goodbye to her.

  Love is all I need mama, than why does it keep leaving me. I take another puff of my cigarette. The New York air numbing my fingers. I love the city, but I don't look forward to running it one day.

  I've seen how cruel it can be and I don't care to be apart of it. I am happy my sister will leave before she sees that happen to me, it hurt her to watch my father become a nasty, money hungry man.

  The end of a gun goes along way for the men in this city, and it has lined my fathers pockets quite nicely. I watch as the all black SUVs pull up in front of my father lavish mansion. Our guests have arrived.

  I watch as the Marchetti bunch exit each vehicle. God they always travel in a pack. My sister got what she use to wish for a big loud family. She hated living in such a big house only being the three of us. "Papa, why have such a big house and not fill it?" She would whine.

He would just ignore her. He ignored her until she turned eighteen. When she was eighteen she was of use to him. She could be a pawn in his game of life. I hate him. I watch as the last car empties.

  Carla Marchetti, my sisters new mother in law. Rounds the car and shortly after Giovanni jumps out of passenger seat. He looks up to the balcony, he probably can't see me, but he knows someone is up there. He definitely knows when I inhale the rest of my cigarette and the end of it gets a bit brighter.

  He hooks his arm with his mothers and glances up one last time. I don't make my way inside yet. I like to piss my father off. He'll send Amara or Luca to fetch me.

  I let the night take me away for a second longer. My phone buzzes in my pocket. I don't answer it. "Come get me papa." 3...2...1

  "Enzo!" Luca. Should've known he wouldn't let my sister leave her new family waiting. "Enzo Really. Why do you insist on pissing him off?"

  "Shhh. It was nice and quiet up here before your fat mouth interrupted." He lets out a groan. "Please. Let's go. Do it for Amara." I roll my eyes, that's all he had to say to get my feet moving.

  I push past him. Luca is twenty but looks twelve. I tower over his little frame, but don't be fooled he could probably fuck me up if he wanted too.

  I take my time making my way down the stairs, everyone is still gathered in the foyer. Probably waiting for me. Oops. I keep a bored expression on my face, even if my father looks like he is about to pull his gun out and shoot me in the head.

  I glance at my sister and she looks like she wants to laugh, but also punch me. I reach the bottom. "Lorenzo." My father threatens and I just waltz over to his side and stand tall.

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