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   I wake up in a room that isn't mine. Black walls surround me, and the beautiful sent of cigarettes and citrus hits me.


We haven't really discussed the other night, but man do I want to do it again. I have a feeling he has no regrets, he was so kind with me last night.

  My eyes slowly adjust to the light flowing through the window.

  The space beside me is dipped where a body use to be,and the sheets are ruffled.

  I roll over and stare into the bathroom, the mirrors are foggy, so he must have just finished showering.

   I lie her for a few more minutes, loving that I'm in his space. My phone buzzes for somewhere on the ground.

It still must be in my pocket. Reluctantly getting off the bed, I walk over to retrieve it.

  "Fuck, it's ten am." I haven't slept in this late for years. I feel refreshed.

  I got a text from Raymond saying the girls will arrive home later than expected, they got drunk last night and didn't make their early flight.

  I was hoping it would be Mario telling me he found the man that got away with my shipment, but I see no update on it.

  I guess I'll just have to look into it myself. Sometimes I wonder why I pay all these people to be useless fucks.

The door suddenly opens and Lo walks through. "About damn time you wake up!" He greets me sounding awfully chipper.

"Buongiorno capo." He licks his bottom lips and looks down at my crouch. I just woke up, and I'm suddenly more aware that I'm only in boxers.

"Amara won't be back til later tonight, I was wondering if you like to join me in town. I haven't gone out much since I've been here. If your busy it's okay." He rambles on.

I should be heading to my warehouse, but a day with him sounds nice. Maybe we can discuss what's going on between us.

  "Capo, I'll join you." I say with a smile. He smiles back to me and nods.

  "Okay, good. I'll just leave you to get ready." He points behind his shoulder.

  "Im in your room." A faint blush creeps across his cheeks. "Right,sorry." He laughs nervously and steps away from the door so I can leave.

  Im smiling like an idiot the whole way to my room. All it takes is for him to be in my presence and I'm lost in the want of having something I could never have.

I made a deal, and now forced to stick with it. I don't even know what Lorenzo wants from me. He could just be trying something new since dating various women hasn't worked out for him.

  I'm also more than willing to be his play thing. I enter my room and go straight to the bathroom. It's been a long two days I need a hot shower. Once I strip the memories of a few nights ago come flooding in. Lo's tall naked frame, hidden behind my tattooed one.

  I might need this shower for a completely different reason if I let my thoughts trail any further. I hurry up and get in I don't want to keep Lo waiting any longer then I have too.

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