It was true, we had all truly forgiven him and loved him regardless of our history with him. He was a part of our family now, our own. Yes, he fucked up big time by lying to us about Jackson but he also suffered greatly because of it. And most importantly, he didn't mean for any of this to happen, this was not his fault.

"That's the thing, you don't even know my past Jin, no one does. Well, no one except Jackson."

I paused, what did he mean by that? 

 I couldn't tell you because I knew you would resent me and for me, that was the most terrifying thought. But now I know that this is the only punishment that's suitable for me, for you to know who I truly am, for you to loathe me because that's what I deserve. You're the most perfect being in existence, Jin. I don't deserve you, no one does, but especially not me of all people."

I prepared myself for whatever Namjoon was about to tell me next. I just hoped it wouldn't be big enough to break us. 

"Jin, long before I came clean to you, I was obsessed with you, to an extremely unhealthy level. I was fully in control of your life without you even knowing. Your workplace, they're a registered business on lease. My father is the original owner. I monitored everything from your shifts to your pay to your uniform. I had cameras put up around and near your house. I removed them all a while back, but I know that doesn't make a difference. I even put a tracking device and microphone in your phone. I was aware of where you were, who you were with, and what you did each and every hour of the day. I hurt people that tried to get close to you because that was the only way I thought I could keep you to myself. That was why you could never get a date, I knew it was selfish but I thought it was okay to he selfish if it meant I had you to myself. " Namjoon blurted without looking at me.

"I'm so sorry, I don't know why I did that, probably because I thought that I was doing it out of love. That way I could be there for you whenever you needed me. My twisted head didn't know any better. I stopped all that when we started dating, you showed me what it was really like to love someone. I grew more and more ashamed of my past self, and more and more terrified of you finding out about it." He spoke in a rush as my head struggled to keep up with the revelations. 

"So, I went to Jackson with his final paycheck, to ask him to call off the original plan and leave our lives for good. But he didn't want to leave anymore. I got the taste of my own medicine when he became obsessed with me, forcing himself in my life, onto me..." 

More tears rushed from his eyes as his voice trailed off, thinking of all the abuse Jackson had put him through. After a moment, he cleared his throat and continued. 

"I was stuck in a toxic cycle with him with no way out, he'd trapped me in such a way. He knew my weaknesses were you and Jungkook, the two people I loved the most, and who loved me the most. The thought of either of you finding all this out and hating me killed me, so I gave in to everything Jackson wanted, I deserved it anyways. But I never intended for him to hurt Mark, I never intended  for this to happen, I'm so sorry." 

Namjoon had finished and was now crying quietly. I sat next to him completely still, trying to process his confession.

I felt sick as his words sank in. I couldn't believe that he had violated my privacy and my rights to live freely.

For many years, this man that claimed to love me, had been controlling the lives of me and my family like we were puppets on a string.

A strong sensation of disgust spread through my body making me shiver.

"You, you're sick Namjoon." I whispered to him, twisting my face in disgust.

He looked at me in shock before the most painful expression took over his face.

This made me very angry. How dare he act hurt and miserable when he was the one that had caused all of this. He was responsible of all of ours pain including his own.

"Don't look at me like that. What did you expect, I would say its okay Namjoon-ah, its all in the past???! How could you even look me in the eyes Namjoon!" I asked, visibly angry. He cried louder at hearing me speak, but he needs to hear this, he deserves to hear so much more.

"You disgust me Namjoon, and to think I fell in love with you, I'm starting to disgust myself. You make my skin crawl."

"Jin please, I-"

"Shut up Namjoon! Just shut the fuck up. You should be in prison for the things you've done, but I don't have anymore will to put up with you. I don't want to ever see you again, or hear of you. Just get out of my life!" I declared, my face red with anger.

Namjoon nodded slowly as more tears fell from his eyes. He slowly got up and began to walk.

"And just so you know. I will do you the favour of not telling anyone else about this, just because I can't bear the disgust when I think about it, let alone talking about it. But if I ever find you trying to involve yourself in any part of mine or my family's life, I'm going straight to the police." I warned him and marched off.

Hot angry tears finally fell from my eyes.

How could he play God in my life like that, just because he had money. I was so angry at the fact that Namjoon had been doing this for years and getting away with it, and he probably even still would if he hadn't told me himself.

I could not protect my rights or the rights of my siblings or my friends from him. But now it will never happen again.

Namjoon will never hurt any of us again. I will make sure if it!

Alright guys new chapter. I really felt bad for both Namjoon and Jin because Jin also really has the right to be angry but our poor Joon has been through SOOO much!!

If this chapter made you sad here's some kisses to make you feel better😘😘😘

And remember, I am a firm believer in happy endings 🥰

Like always, please leave a comment 🥺🥺🥺🥺 and see you guys next chapter!

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