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Namjoon's POV

Three weeks.

Its been three weeks since my mother's funeral. I didn't really expect it to hit me that hard but it did and a lot has changed after her death. Firstly, Jungkook insisted that he wanted to move in with me. He spent an entire night convincing me that he'll never cause me any trouble and never interfere in my life and honestly speaking, he's kept his word. He's so awfully quiet that most of the times I don't even realise when he's in the same room as me. I don't understand why he wanted to live with me so badly if he was just going to not speak to me. 

I really didn't like Jungkook at all before my mother died. I envied him because he had the life that had been snatched away from me. He had a mother, a father, a family, a home, whilst I had nothing. Now, however, I don't know how I feel about him. He's really strange. Most of the times he just sits in the same room as me and stares at me until I feel too uncomfortable to sit there anymore and get up and leave. He doesn't speak to me unless I ask him a question. Sometimes I hear him cry in his room in the dead of the night but if I ever go to see if he's okay he quickly wipes his tears and pretends he wasn't crying when its so fucking obvious that he was. He's clearly depressed and I want to help him but I don't know how, he doesn't talk to me at all, although he has become really good friends with Jimin and Taehyung. 

He first met with Jimin and Taehyung at the hospital when our mother died and they became really good friends I'm guessing. He spends a lot of time with them and they always sit and talk and play video games but whenever I acknowledge my presence they stop what they're doing and sit in silence. Jimin and Taehyung have made it obvious that they dislike me, which to me is extremely bratty because they come over in my car, sit in my house, eat snacks bought from my money, watch films on my TV and throw glares at me all the time! I don't think I like them anymore than they like me.

One good thing that does come with him being friends with Jimin and Taehyung is that Jin visits a lot more. Jin has been really good to me after my mother's death and we've got to spend a lot more time together. He's usually over at my house when Jimin and Taehyung come to see Jungkook or I go over to his place after school with Jungkook and he normally cooks something for me or we sit and do our homework together. Another thing that's really useful about Jungkook's new friendship is that Jimin and Taehyung don't disturb mine and Jin's quality time anymore. However, I have noticed that Jin is unusually sympathetic towards Jungkook. I know for sure that he knows something about Jungkook that I don't but every time I ask him about it he refuses to tell me about it and Jin is a hella stubborn person. The only way of making Jin do something that he doesn't want to is by scaring him, and lets just say that I'm not willing to try that anymore.  

Today's our day off from school so I'm probably going to have to drive over to his house to see him. I'm too tired to have an encounter with Jimin and Taehyung so I'm just going to take Jin out to eat and then drop him at the cafe before his shift starts. He never says no to free food so he won't deny. Well, that's the plan for today then. 

I quickly got out of bed and took a quick shower. I always have to make sure that I look and smell nice when I'm going to go see Jin. After getting dressed I grabbed my keys and made my way down the stairs but stopped before I walked past Jungkook's room. Should I ask him if he needs anything? Has he even had breakfast? Why should I care anyways? It's not like he's my responsibility or something. We don't even have a brotherly relationship. Forget that, we're not even friends. I continued walking past his room. His door was open and I could see him sat on his bed holding his stuffed koala. He has this weird obsession with his stuffed Koala which for some reason looks pretty familiar. He actually had a panic attack when I picked it up to inspect it. I don't understand why he's so attached to it. I have plushies too but I don't think I'd die if one of them went missing. And that Koala looks years old.

I ignored him as I walked past his room even though I did see his head turn around to look at me as I walked past. Should I have told him that I was going out? Its not like he would have said anything if I did tell him so it makes no difference. I don't need to be thinking about him right now. I should be thinking about Jin. 

After reaching outside Jin's house I decided that its easier to call him and tell him that I'm waiting outside rather than going and knocking and risk bumping into those devils Jin calls his brothers. I took out my phone and called Jin. He answered after about three rings. 

"Hello." His soft voice gave me tingles but I quickly contained myself.

"Hi Jin. Get dressed we're going out to eat. I'm waiting outside your house." I told him.

"Joon you should've told me when you left your house. I would've been ready by the time you got here. Okay, give me five minutes." He replied.

"See you in five." I said and hung up. 

After about twenty minutes I saw Jin coming out of the house. Fucking finally. He locked the door and ran towards me. 

"Sorry I had to make Jimin and Taehyung breakfast." He said whilst putting on his seat belt. I smiled and shook my head. I didn't really mind the wait...... too much

"It's fine."

I had had an amazing day. Jin and I went to eat lunch together and then we went for a walk in the park. It would've been better if I got to hold his hand during that walk but I have to take what I get for now. Currently we were waiting outside the cafe Jin works at because we still had a lot of time before his shift started. I was listening to him telling me about how much he liked this pink sweater that he saw in a shop yesterday but they didn't have his size. I loved to just sit and listening to him talk about things, watching and savouring all of his facial expressions, his cute little pout and listening to him laugh his adorable squeaky laugh. 

His story got cut off by the ringing of his phone and he groaned loudly before he answered it.

"Oh Mark? Oh that's bad! I'm so sorry. Have you asked Hoseok? Really? Umm don't worry. I'll get someone. Yes I'm sure. Okay take care." and with that he hung up looking really worried. 

"Everything okay?" I asked him. He shook his head.

"Everything is not okay. Mark's sister is seriously ill and Mark can't come to the cafe to work his shift. He's taken off too many days already and Hoseok can't cover his shift either. I just told him I'll get someone to do it and I have no idea who." He exclaimed. 

"Calm down Jin we'll think of something." I told him and we both began to think. We sat in silence for about two minutes before I heard him gasp. 

"Joonie, I have an idea." He told happily. 

"That's great. what is it?" I asked trying to fake the same amount of enthusiasm.

"You could cover his shift." He squealed.

"Jin that's great." I smiled until his words reached my brain. 

"Wait what? Me? I can't cover his shift. I don't know how to do anything." I tried to reason but Jin pulled out his biggest weapon - puppy eyes. 

"Oh come on! This isn't fair. You know I can't say no to you when you give me that face." I complained but he just made his pout bigger. 

"This is blackmailing. Okay fine!" I sulked. 

"Yayyy! Thanks Joon." he screamed as he quickly gave me a hug and I froze. Maybe covering Mark's shift won't be that bad. 

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