Chapter 15: Sweet Dreams

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There was no source of brightness when Senka turned off the lights of the woman's restroom

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There was no source of brightness when Senka turned off the lights of the woman's restroom. No windows, no candles, and soon no fire that lit the embers behind Senka's opponents' eyes.

"What the?!" One of them held the wall, trying to find their way around the pitch darkness. "The bitch is still in here!" The other said.

"Then come and find me." Senka's breathy voice said, rupturing any kind of composure the two assassins had. They couldn't tell where her voice came from, like she was all around them.

"Fuck this shit." One tries to run only to come face to face with a horrifying set of glowing eyes. Her gaze was frigid and blazing all at once, her pink eyes wide and crazed. It emitted a hot pink color that seemed to reach into the man's nightmares.

"Looks like I found you first." Senka says with a sinister echo behind her unusually playful tone. The man started to sweat, his limbs shaking uncontrollably.

The other chucked his gun towards Senka, hoping to buy time. She catches it with ease, wacking the other's face with it. He spurts blood as she throws it back at the other man's head, making his chin snap back painfully. He falls onto his back with a thump, groaning and gripping his head.

"Don't you know how perverted you seem walking into a ladies room so nonchalantly." She grips the one closest to her by their hair. "Assholes like you don't deserve a painless reawakening."

She swipes a hard fist across his face, making sure he doesn't fall unconscious before moving onto his buddy.

"Make yourself their living nightmare!! Senka!!" The devil inside her screams. And this time, she allows it's pleas to be heard.

She places a foot on his chest, pressing down with unimaginable pressure. Her pupils swirl with insanity and desire for havoc, making the man choke on his own saliva.

"Please... please..." he tried to pry her foot of him by her ankle, to no avail.

And that's when he finds himself unable to move. Unable to speak. Unable to feel.

Yet, he was able to see...

...and fear.

His partner was the in the same boat, frozen and fighting this unseen force that seemed to keep him glued to the floor.

Senka's devil was so silent she let herself smile, knowing that their connection is being utilized. That her devil was going to torment them without even having to make a peep.

Both men's eyes danced around erratically, the only thing in their body they could control, Senka stepping away from them, her body being covered by a black fog, her eyes the only thing uncovered.

She stood in the corner, silently breathing, the two men staring with so much horror as their bodies stayed as still as dead bodies.

Then there was a sharp and long silence, like a knife being held up at their necks. And all she did was stand in the corner and watch them.

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