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Antonella and the event planner were able to handle the commotion in the guest room accessible from the backyard downstairs while their private doctor present at the party attended to Neymar. His blood pressure had dropped after the recent discovery of his possible son at Lionel's house. He had been stabilized and fit to go about normal daily dealings before he was allowed to sit up. Rafaela was alerted by Antonella and was now stationed in the room where her brother laid broken and confused on the way to proceed.

"Can we get a DNA done for Diego without his mother's consent?", Rafaela asked the doctor as he put his stethoscope into his box.

"If you are certain that the young boy is your brother's son it won't be illegal to run that test but if not I don't advise but if it's the boy you showed me downstairs I have no doubts that he is his son, we can quickly run the test, they guys in the lab work on Sundays too so we can get a result within the next two hours", Dr. Robert explained. "So if you don't mind you can bring him here so I can take off a piece of his hair and that of Neymar's, we can take a sample of his saliva too but we will use Mateo to distract him if not he will inform his mother", he added.

Within minutes the playful set of Diego and Mateo were in the room and samples were collected, with the children being tricked about lolipop hence the swab of both their tongues. Rafaela was beyond sad because she knew the meaning of it all, Maya had been pregnant when her brother chased her out and divorced her but kept mute about it. She could have used Diego as a source of livelihood from him but didn't and even when they got together she still didn't tell him.

Neymar all through this period was seated by the window on a chair that enabled him rest his head as he looked how ruined his life had been.

"I know what you feel brother", Lionel started to speak to Neymar as he pulled a chair and moved closer to him. "Your heart is heavy, I am equally sad because this means a whole lot", Lionel added.

"Lionel, I fucked up...!!! Maya could have used Diego's pregnancy as a bargaining tool, when we separated she had nothing, she still kept it away from me, for fucks sake if I knew I had a child I would still have given her everything, she could have demanded anything but didn't, do you understand how bad this is for me?, that her intentions with me were genuine and probably a sinister plan was orchestrated by someone, I'm beginning to realize that everything she told me was true and she probably never lied, she just didn't like drama, Lionel she didn't turn up for the divorce final hearing and coming to think of it now it would have been obvious she was pregnant, she avoided me completely,what if my cousin lied? In fact I think that's what happened Lionel", Neymar stood up and walked to the door and back immediately holding Lionel's shoulders.

"Gabriel came to meet me at my dads birthday and wanted to tell me something but I didn't even let him speak, it's beginning to appear like he was coming to confess because he didn't fight back when I hit him, he let me punch him silly jeeze it's all beginning to make sense" he said before he broke down crying.

"When we divorced she was entitled to half of my earnings because we didn't sign a prenup, but the PWC agent disclosed to me yesterday that she never cashed the ten cheques totaling 100million dollars  and that was why that amount remained unexplained in the audit of my account, the tax calculated for me to pay was less that amounts percentage and it never left and that's why I had been pretty sad earlier today, she refused to take my money even after the court granted it to her, I broke her trust, I broke it twice Lionel and I feel like I'm such a loser", Neymar said as he continued to cry. The Argentine consoled his friend but he knew it was a dire situation. Lionel knew it was bad because Maya didn't even want to speak to Antonella after she told him about their meeting at the supermarket. This was going to be hard and for once he didn't know how they were going to resolve it.

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