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Maya woke up at five in the morning, earlier than her alarm was supposed to even with the tons of work she made up her mind to accomplish the previous night. She felt tired and knew her body desired sleep but would give way soon but couldn't seem to fall back asleep.

To the right of her bed was her phone charging and she quickly unplugged it to check her social media account on Instagram. Maya wasn't a fan of Facebook or Twitter but was religiously on the Instagram app. She had a burner account she used to monitor her ex-husbands posts online and when she logged in, she could see he was with Bruna some hours ago, which when she placed the time, it was almost after the session she had with her at the office.

The couple had posted several pictures of themselves on their respective stories in close positions and kissing in some of them. Every time she viewed his accounts, she felt hurt but couldn't stop herself from keeping tabs on his life and that of his girlfriend.

"You are viewing his page again Maya", her mother said to her with a disapproving look plastered across her face. "Why do you keep hurting yourself meu amor?", Maria asked her only child.

Maya had not heard the door to her room open nor even noticed her mum standing by the bedside. There was no denying what she was doing. Maria Vasquez had caught her in the act.

"I mistakenly went to his handle ma mãe, it wasn't intentional", she explained to her mother.

"Why are you lying to me Maya? Why? I won't attack you, I care about you that's why I need you to stop doing this, it's not healthy and it will affect you in the long run, it's already three years and you still haven't moved on or attempted to move on, you are beautiful girl, so many good men want to be with you but you are not giving anyone a chance because you are still stuck on him, think critically about what I'm saying to you Maya, you need a breath of fresh air", her mother said and patted her back.

"I'm going to my room, Diego will soon be up", she added and walked out.

Maya ran her hands through her hair and heaved a long sigh. Her mother was right, but she didn't have the zeal to not know what was going on in his life even if it meant suffering. She got up and hurried to the bath to brush her teeth before going to meet Diego in the other room.


The article for Bruna Marquezine was done and Maya forwarded it to Donata at nine in the morning. She expected a response from her much later in the day but was surprised when her Director replied immediately.

'I will review and revert'

She was nervous as to what her opinion about the article will be and hoped she made a good impression with her work. This was a defining moment in her career with Vogue Brazil and it could earn her promotion or demotion.

Maya continued with her work during the day and when it was time for lunch, she went with the usuals Jeanie and Lucia to their favorite eatery not far from their building.

"I heard you stood in for Martin to interview Bruna", Lucia said and Jeanie leaned in like she couldn't wait for Maya to spill the tea on what happened.

"What did you hear Lucia?", Maya asked not wanting to remember the encounter with Bruna yesterday.

"Heard Donata had to stand up for you and your work against Bruna and she couldn't complain again", Lucia replied with a wide grin.

"To be honest I didn't expect her to defend me, but I felt good when she did, and I was like, I can't fail this woman who was just meeting me physically for the first time, I have to give her a beautiful article", she responded to her friends.

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