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Dominic and Sylvia DaSilva Santos had been living an isolated life away from their relatives Neymar Snr and his wife Nadine. Dominic and Neymar senior were brothers but Neymar senior had cut off all form of contact with them which till date the small knit nuclear family never understood. Their son was down with kidney disease and was given a maximum of three months to live but ever since the diagnosis, he had left the house and not returned.

Dominic hired three private investigators to look for his only son and hoped to find him and spend his remaining months with him. He wasn't living in affluence but he could afford the basic things in life even after being cut off by his elder brother. They had still not received feedback from any of them but still hoped for some good news.

Sylvia had been in Gabriel's room for a while ransacking through his things when she stumbled across an old phone with a charger sitting directly beside it. She was struggling to find anything that would give her an idea of where he left to for her to be at peace. There was also a diary under the phone and charger but as much she wanted to open it, she didn't want to fully invade his privacy unless it was absolutely necessary. She powered the phone and carefully scrolled through his messages when she stumbled on one particular text with his cousin Neymar and she screamed. Dominic ran into the room after hearing his wife's frantic call knowing immediately that something was wrong.

"I now know why your brother and his wife severed all ties with us Dominic..!!!", a teary eyed Sylvia said as she handed over the phone to him slowly.

It was unexpected but now the couple understood why things were actually the way they were. It was a difficult situation but they needed to at least sort it out to whatever extent they could. They had to find a good time to go over to his brothers house and prayed they would be granted audience for them to explain they had no hand in everything that transpired. It wasn't certain that the result was going to be good but it was a risk worth taking.


Maya was lodged in the Burj Al Arab and Pearl had informed her Prince Harry was also staying there. Anna Wintour her mentor was also in the same hotel along with other dignitaries and they caught up briefly to catch up on things they had missed why away from each other. The Vogue boss came over to check that everything was ready and set for their number one editor and model for the next days occasion before they switched to personal matters.

Felix had earlier sent a gown made specifically for her to wear for the fundraiser. It wasn't revealing and too clingy but was perfect equally drawing attention to her as she walked out of the 7series BMW that dropped the editor off.

"Miss Vasquez..!!, Miss Vasquez..!!!, you look absolutely lovely tonight..!!!, do you mind telling us how you think you can support the event", a reporter amongst the crowd asked her while pushing his microphone close to her face but the bodyguards were quick to step in. "You'll find out during the event so I implore you to be patient", she replied with a smile and made way into the hall as security cleared the entrance. The venue was filled with heavy security at every corner of the hall as well as outside it and this was probably because Prince Harry was attending too. She had been led to a table with bodyguards positioned around and wondered why she was on this particular table. Maya had to scan the area twice to be sure she was at the right seat.

"Am I really meant to sit here?", she asked the young man standing near. The invite had her on Anna Wintour's table and suddenly it appeared to have been switched.

"Yes please but we are only here because Prince Harry will be seated here too", he replied a surprised Maya.

"Okay", she answered and sat down. Maya noticed Anna Wintour was on the table next to hers and was about to go greet her before she heard some movement towards where she was seated and turned around. The prince had made his way to the table and took a sit beside her while some other dignitaries filled the remaining seats.

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