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Three months had passed by and Maya's son Diego had been registered in one of the most expensive prep schools in high brow Paris. She was ecstatic about his resumption and was super proud of him. Maria Vasquez was not left out and as happy as she was about him starting school, she missed her little chirpy grandson but could only wish him the best. Rodrygo had taken Maria Vasquez and her grandson to school and dropped her back at home with a waiting Maya.

"How hard was it for you to leave him mãe?", Maya asked her mother as she sat down over the kitchen table while she slowly stirred her tea in the fine china cup.

"Oh Maya, I actually cried I won't lie and I'm not ashamed to say it", the older woman responded with some light tears still coming out of her eyes while she laughed about it. "He's growing so fast..!!!"

"I'm sure happy I have him, couldn't wish for less mãe", Maya said and paused to sip some of the warm tea from the cup.

"You've been really cheerful for a while now and I've been wanting to ask you a question but you have to promise you won't lie to me", Maria stated and walked towards where her daughter was sitting. It was still about 8:15am and the sun was just beginning to rise making her mother see her clearly.

"What do you want to know?", Maya muttered in a low tone as she looked up at her mother. There weren't rumors about the both her and Neymar dating so she wondered if her mother had any hint about them. They had been very discreet about their relationship and kept if from almost everyone except Lionel and Sergio with their partners in the know. Maya had reduced contact with Chris which made him suspect she wasn't interested in dating him anymore but he didn't take it too hard on himself. He simply moved on when he knew there was no headway. Bruna on the other hand was completely upset about everything and reached out to Rafaela threatening to spill information about her suspicion of Neymar cheating on her with Maya and how Maya purposely broke them up but Maria Vasquez wasn't privy to all this information so what did she want to find out? she thought.

"Are you and Neymar back together or just sleeping with yourselves?", she asked Maya who was shocked and looked around swiftly to be sure Diego's nanny Patricia wasn't around them to overhear their discussion.

"No mother..!!", she answered but rather faintly. Maya didn't want to lie to her mother but felt the need to at that point.

"You are lying Maya and I know when you do, you can at least be honest with me, I won't judge you but advise you, I can only hope you take it when I do give you, I saw him drop you off two nights ago and was surprised, I saw the both of you kiss, have you thought of what will happen if he just stumbles on Diego without you telling him about his existence? You will get hurt if you are not careful Maya but please don't put your whole heart in whatever is going on between you two, you will be able to withstand any heartbreak if he eventually leaves you", Maria said trying to convince her daughter and at the same time advise her, she could have sworn she had moved on not until she saw the duo the other night.

"He's serious about it mãe and I can't just say no, it will work out this time I promise", the Brazilian model tried explaining to her mother but she wasn't having it.

"When will you tell him about Diego?, when Maya? Diego is three and will soon be four years old, he at least deserves to know he has a father", Maria said. Although she wasn't happy about how her daughters marriage crashed with the football star, she knew it was only right for him to know about Diego.

Maya's palms became sweaty as the words her mother said began to sink in. She ran her hands through her hair as she sighed heavily and walked across to meet her mother where she was seated. "Mãe I promise I will tell him, I just need to find a right time and hope it all goes well, four years is a lot I get it and I will try to do it as soon as possible, it will be hard but I will do it I promise mother", she added and hugged Maria Vasquez tightly while shedding tears.

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