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The influx of notable people to Vogue Brazil's Rio office this week was one of the highest they had experienced in recent years and it led to their Director, Donata Mereilles sending out mails for additional support from their junior staff to the senior management team.

Amongst other celebrities in the building that Wednesday, Bruna Marquezine was amongst them and needed to quickly have the brief interview with one of their editors who would be able to write an article about her in their next issue to be released. She had been on other  magazines in the past year but was on their cover two years ago and because she was buzzing in the fashion industry, Vogue needed her on their front page especially for their  yet to be released issue for the last quarter of the year.

Maya was working on a pile load of work when she saw a notification on her laptop for a new mail and quickly realized it was from their Director Donata Mereiles , informing her to be in her office in five minutes for a brief interview with Bruna.

"I'm sure you got Donata's mail Maya, leave everything you are doing and go to her office now", Mrs. Joaquin said to her immediately she read the mail. The Director had put her in copy when she sent the mail to Maya.

"I'll just take along my pen and notepad madam and leave now", she replied as she hurriedly got up to leave.

Maya tried her best to compose herself because she was going to be face to face with the current girlfriend of her ex-husband Neymar, but there was nothing she could do about it when she critically gave it a thought. Her daily bread was from Vogue, she couldn't afford to jeopardize her work because of jealousy she felt towards the woman in his life, Bruna wasn't responsible for their break up, if there was anyone to blame it was Neymar's cousin Gabriel, so she had no choice but to comport herself as she went upstairs.

"Maya be composed, this can make or mar you", she said to herself as she pressed the third floor button on the private elevator she was stationed inside alone. She hurriedly walked through the hallway that led to the office she was headed to and met the Director's assistant.

 She hurriedly walked through the hallway that led to the office she was headed to and met the Director's assistant

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"Good day Jenna, Donata requested for me", Maya said to the lady at the desk. Jenna was Donata's personal assistant and everyone who wanted to see her needed to go through her scrutiny.

"Yes, she has been expecting you", Jenna replied. "You may go in", she added and led her into the office,

Donata had a very large office with three separate enclosed see through meeting rooms and all but one of the rooms were occupied with other discussions going on. This was because she liked to be close and if not part of interviews that took place with celebrities so that nothing would go wrong without her knowledge.

"Hello Maya, one of my top editors Chiovan Lee is ill today and has been hospitalized, he single-handedly recommended you fill in for him and said he trusted your work", Donata said to Maya in a low tone which Bruna who was seated at her desk didn't hear. "So I want you to be at your best and be extremely polite and tolerant in your dealings with her, she can be highly irritable, just do your job and work on the article after, you know it's for the our next quarterly issue to be released and it's the headliner", she added after explaining in detail to Maya.

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