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Neymar's new house keeper Mrs.Beatrice let Maya into his residence while he was in the shower and she waited for him in the living room on the ground floor. It had been over a week the Paris Fashion week took place and they hadn't seen each other ever since.

Maya sat down on the sofa holding her small sized Chanel hand bag with her as she waited for Neymar to come down. It was 7pm and she was tired from all the activities of the day and really wanted to rest but he called her just when she was about to sleep.

Neymar sat down on the chair opposite Maya with a bottle of water in hand while he stretched his leg on the side stool. He didn't even exchange pleasantries with her but scrolled through his phone. She was expecting him to at least say something but he didn't and after a couple of minutes he stood up and signaled for her to follow him as he walked to his guest room.

Maya was in the rest room taking time inside to clean herself up and equally put on her nightwear before she came out but she found herself crying silently as she leaned her head on the wall. Neymar had treated her badly on other occasions but today was the worst. He refused to kiss her nor even engage in any light discussion and it was obvious he only called her over simply to satisfy his sexual urge and she felt worthless

Okay "What's wrong with me?", she asked herself as she was now seated on the floor running her hands through her hair, "what have I done to deserve this?". For the best part of the time spent in the convenience she tried thinking if she had offended him in anyway but couldn't highlight any wrongdoing. She dried her eyes with the back of her hands as she prepared to leave the bathroom and back into the room.

He was now fully dressed in his sweat pants as she went back and found him going through his phone. She wanted to leave but didn't want to be confronted by him hence her decision to stay. Maya checked her phone briefly before she locked the screen and pushed the covers over her to sleep but faced the other side of the room and he turned to look at her, fighting the urge to utter anything before he walked out. Although the two weren't dating, Maya and Neymar previously hooked up and had mind blowing love making more than once when she came around but this particular episode appeared like he was already tired of her but didn't want to jerk off. She slept off after an hour then woke up early in the morning to leave back to her waiting mother Maria and son Diego.


"You're here Maya..!!!, I didn't even realize when you got in", Maria said to her daughter as she saw her taking cereal in the kitchen.

"Late night shoot", Maya replied as she lied through her teeth. She looked tired with sleep bags under her eyes as she stood up from the counter and put the plate in the dishwasher.

"I want to visit your dad's graveside, no one has placed flowers on it in a while and I miss Brazil too, I'll take Diego with me just so you can have it easier", Maria said and Maya came over to give her a long hug. They hadn't talked about him in a while and it caused Maya to be more somber than she had already been from the previous day.

"He's watching over us maë", the young model said as she kissed her mothers cheek and they held hands for a while.

Two days later she was scheduled to have a meeting at a restaurant regarding a deal that had not been fully disclosed to her so she decided to discuss it  over lunch with the agent. Her manager had not been able to get the details and could only wait till the meeting to find out what the offer was about.

Maya stepped into Le Bariolés located in Rue Buffault and scanned round to either ask a waiter for the reservation or look out for her manager, instead it was Sergio Ramos she came face to face with.

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