Chapter 6

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The Riddler was standing near a vase of pussy willows and picking them.

"Commodore Schmidlapp's invention in our hands, the whole world almost literally in our grasp, and Batman and Robin still alive to block us" he said.

The Joker ran back to where his comrades were saying "Everything pip pip with the prisoner, comrades. He hasn't a clue!"

"No, but I bet the Dynamic Duo has. A clue on how we made that ship disappear. And when they solve that..." the Penguin quacked.

"Of course! They'll be out to investigate" said Catwoman as she changed back into her regular clothes.

"But we'll be there first. If we hurry, that is. If we hurry. Catwoman, you tend to this headquarters" said the Penguin.

He turned to two more pirates and said "Attention, you unfathomable finks!"

"Yo-ho!" said the two pirates.

"Now hear this. Call down to our secret river-bottom dock and prepare our submarine for sea!" the Penguin ordered.

"Yo-ho!" the pirates said again.

"Yo-ho what?" said the Penguin.

"Yo-ho, sir!" said the pirates.

In the Batcave, Batman and Robin were investigating the disappearing yacht.

Robin was looking at what was supposed to be a picture of the ship. But instead, he got a picture of bare water.

"Holy Merlin the magician! We're in for a shock!" he said.

He showed the picture to Batman and said "The Batcamera was aimed right at the yacht when it took this picture".

"So my strange hunch was right" said Batman.

"I don't get it, Batman" said Robin.

"Think, Robin. As you truly remarked, no one can make a seagoing vessel simply disappear. Provided it was ever really there at all" said Batman.

"You mean..."

"Precisely, Robin! The yacht we saw was a mere illusion. A tricky projection akin to the common desert mirage. It deceived our naked eyes, but was blocked by the Batcamera's polarized Batfilter" Batman explained.

He looked at another machine and said "I think I know where that projection came from too". 

Robin put the picture under the machine's magnifying glass and it revealed a bellbuoy in the middle of the sea. 

"Observe that bellbuoy" said Batman.

"What's the matter with it?" said Robin.

"Quite a lot, I fancy. Let's see. Our positions were 10.3 by 69-B. Quickly! Feed those figures into the navigational aid computer" said Batman.

"Roger!" said Robin.

He did as he was told and... 

"Negative. No legal bellbuoy at that position" said Robin.

"Ha! As I surmised. An illegal projection buoy cleverly camouflaged" said Batman.

"Wow! Maybe the crooks have left fingerprints on it" said Robin.

"Good thinking, Robin! To the Batboat! Fast!" said Batman.

He and Robin got back into the Batmobile and drove away.

They stopped at the seaport where the tavern was and slid down a pole to a dock.

The hopped into their signature boat, the Batboat, which was designed almost the same as the Batmobile, and turned on its engine.

They sailed the Batboat all the way to the projection buoy in the middle of the sea.

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