Chibi rider time: sasha and marcy

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Alexander: why hello everyone and welcome back to


Alexander: were your hosts I'm Alex

Anne: and I'm Anne Boonchuy

Alexander: and we have a very special episode today we have two guests their two of my girlfriends Sasha and marcy

Sasha: hey

Marcy: hi everyone

Alexander: alright guys let's cut to the chase who's your favorite kamen rider?

Marcy: can it be-

Alexander: nope not me someone else

Sasha: well I'll go with kamen rider Kabuto

Anne: really why's that?

Sasha: because he's able to kick those hell brothers butts

Alexander: [chuckles] you still don't like them huh?

Sasha: nope

Alexander: well let's watch Kabuto's first henshin

Alexander: He has an amazing transformation

Anne: well who's your favorite rider from that series I like gattack

Marcy: for me drake

Alexander: I like sasword

Sasha: definitely Kabuto

Alexander: not to mention the clock up system that is just the best to use. Let's watch some of kabuto's clock ups and rider kicks

Marcy: so cool

Alexander: I know and that kick is amazingly done

Anne: [looks at marcy] so marmar who's your favorite rider

Marcy: I'd say kamen rider build

Alexander: another good choice. [smirks] Let me guess you chose him because he's as smart as you?

Marcy: [blushing] w-what c-come on I'm not that smart

Alexander: awe you are trust me [kisses her]

Marcy: thanks honey

Alexander: [smiles] no problem

Anne: why don't we watch his first henshin

Alexander: those bottles are music to my ears

Anne: his form is so creative, what's your favorite? Mines his gorillamond form it's so strong

Marcy: I love his genius form

Sasha: his robophoenix is really cool

Alexander: Im tied between his train pirate form but I really love his rabbitrabbit form

Anne: not to mention his opening song

Dratini: build is the first rider I watched in the series

Alexander: it was amazing having you both here today

Sasha/Marcy: glad to be here

Alexander: that's all we got for today guys

Anne: see you guys next time...and remember

All: we're just passing through "they say as waving as the chapter ends"

Dratini: see you all for the last chapter soon bye

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