Movie chapter 1: going on another mission

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It's been a year since the defeat of the core and everything has been going good Marcy's parents have been going to marriage counseling to repair there marriage and as for our hero's they have all grown in friendship and power but little did they know there next big adventure was close. We now see Alex and the girls walking down the hall at school

Alexander: so what do you guys wanna do today?

Sasha: we could head to my house and hang out at my pool

Alexander: sounds fun [gets his books knocked out of his hands]

Bully: oops sorry [smirks] I guess having one arm must really suck

Anne: [angry] what's your problem?!

Bully: oh nothing at all [looks back at alex] you might wanna pick up your stuff before someone steps on it "He said as Alex goes to pick up his stuff only to be pushed to the ground by the bully" come on show us what that arms good for pink boy

Sasha: [angry] why I- [alex puts his hand up]

Alexander: girls it's okay I'm fine "he said when suddenly he felt something wet on his head as he looks and sees the bully pouring water in his head"

Bully: you should stay down there trash "he said leaving while the girls look at alex while Alex laughs"

Alexander: hahaha what a moron

Sasha: Alex why aren't you angry?!

Alexander: he's just a bully sweetie I've dealt with this my entire life this is nothing

Eva: I still wish you would let us put him in the hospital

Alexander: he's not worth it [gets up and smiles while picking up his books]

???: here let me help you "a voice said as they look up and see a girl with red hair"

???: here let me help you "a voice said as they look up and see a girl with red hair"

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She's 14

Alexander: oh thanks "he said as they pick up the rest of his stuff" I don't think we've met I'm Alex [sticks out hand]

???: h-hi I'm Roxanne [shake hands] I've heard a lot about you

Alexander: really like what?

Roxanne: well that your very kind and helpful [whispers] and cute

Alexander: what was that? "He said as she blushes while the girls smirk"

Roxanne: n-nothing w-well I gotta go bye "She said running off"

Alexander: what was that about?

Sasha: [smirks] I think she likes you

Alexander: really?

Anne: well it's not hard to fall for you [kisses his cheek]

Alexander: Huh, well we can talk about that later let's get ready for the pool party

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