Chapter 11: froggy little christmas

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We start in the boonchuy's home as Mrs. Boonchuy is decorating the house while the plantars look confused

Hop Pop: Anne, what's happening?

Sprig: are we under attack? Are these fortifications? Booby traps? Weapons?

Anne: dude, calm down it's just Christmas

Plantars: what?

Anne: shoot, I never explained this? Christmas is one of the biggest Earth holidays and us Boonchuys go big!

Sprig: a holiday cool so what's it about? "He said as Alex enters wearing a Santa hat"

Alexander: it's about family coming together having a big meal, singing and presents pretty much "he said as the plantars nod while Anne runs up to him"

Anne: Alex were gonna give my parents the parade float of their dreams, you in?

Alexander: of course let's do this

We now see Alex, anne and the plantars at an avenue

Polly: so, what's the plan, Anne? How we making this boat?

Alexander: polly it's a float

Sprig: like the drink?

Alexander: no sprig not even close "he said face palming"

Anne: yeah and don't worry, I've got a great idea for this bad boy "she said showing a drawing" the first thing we'll need is some technical help. Anyone know any tech experts?

Polly: do I "She said as we now see everyone at the IT Gals home"

Anne: thank you so much for helping us with this float

Ally: no problem! We'll do anything electronic, animatronic

Jess: technotronic...really any other tronic

Anne: thanks you two, you're absolute lifesavers

Ally: hey, don't mention it "she said giving a thumbs up"

Jess: now go grab some eggnog and enjoy the party you two! "She said as they do"

Anne: so Alex what was Christmas like back home?

Alexander: well I never really celebrated it, my family would usually leave for the holidays and leave me home alone "he said as she pulled him into a hug while crying"

Anne: I'm so sorry Alex "she said as he pat her head"

Alexander: it's okay sweetie because I'm happy for the life I have now, I have people who care for me and an amazing girlfriend "he said kissing her cheek as she giggles"

Anne: what did I ever do to deserve you "she said as they kiss when Jess and ally walk up to him"

Alexander: oh hey girls what's up? "He said as they pointed up where he sees mistletoe"

Ally: mistletoe d-do you- "she starts but she gets cut off by Alex giving them both a kiss on the lips leaving them blushing messes"

Alexander: merry Christmas you two "he said smiling as Anne sighs"

Anne: (I guess I'll have to share)

After the party was over anne, Alex and the plantars leaving Jess and ally's home

Anne: all right! Technies secured! Next up, we'll need some decorations to populate the float, and I think I know just who'll have some "she said as they arrive at the museum of natural history and as they enter they see the museum is decorated for Christmas"

Sprig: wow!

Hop Pop: I didn't think this place could get any crazier "he says before they see Dr. Jan talking to a man"

Decade of amphibia Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora