Chapter 21: the hardest thing

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Sprig: [rubs eyes] hey uh, is it just me or is the moon getting closer?

Anne: what's going on?

Alexander: this cant be good

Marcy: no!

Alexander: marcy you know what that is?

Marcy: I saw it when I was apart of the core. This is its final gambit it will do whatever it takes to defeat us and claim the stones as it's own and if that means destroying the entire civilization so be it

Sasha: what you're saying is this thing is a giant sore loser!

Sprig: we have to do something, anyone have any ideas on how to stop it? "He said as an earthquake starts"

Polly: an earthquake? Don't we have enough going on?! "She said as mother olm appears"

All minus Marcy: mother olm?

Marcy: [shocked] who is this now?

Mother olm: so how did it go?

Sprig: well we stopped the invasion but now it looks like the moons about to kill us

Mother olm: I see, and the prophecy has finally come to pass

Marcy: [gasp] Sasha mentioned this what did it say?

Anne: it said that the four of us would save the world, so let's go save the world!

All: yeah!

Mother olm: well it doesn't necessarily mean you'll succeed

All: what?

Mother olm: well you see the prophecy isn't so much a prediction as it is a humble request for help and know this you have to tap into the energy that remains in the stones in order to get the energy you need, however if you do that

Anne: there might not be enough energy to get us home

Sasha: we could be stuck in Amphibia forever

Mother olm: yeah so now that all the cards are on the table, what will you do? The choice is yours

Alexander: [smiles] I'm in

Sasha: you call that a choice

Marcy: of course we'll help

Anne: there's no way we'd let anything happen to amphibia

All: [cheers]

Anne: now let's get the music box

As all of them charge off leaving Alex, anne and mother olm

Alexander pov

Mother olm: there's one more thing, the stones are strong but they might not be enough to defeat the core

Alexander: but what about me?

Mother olm: even with your power there's still a chance of failure, but if things look bad out there don't forget about the secret spell

Anne: wait the secret what now?

Mother olm: didn't I tell you about that?

Both: no

Mother olm: well the stones are told to have a hidden power, enough to defeat any foe but with such power comes a price

Anne: so if anyone uses the spell they gain the power of all the stones

Alexander: but they'll die

Mother olm: yeah but hopefully it will never come to that am I right, okay good luck out there "she said about to leave"

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