Chapter 10.5: what happened to alex?

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Alexander: WHAT THE FU-! "He yelled as Anne, the plantars and the boonchuy's run into the bathroom"

Anne: Alex what's wr- "she started but gasped at what she saw"

Anne: Alex what's wr- "she started but gasped at what she saw"

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he still has his robot arm

Alexander: w-what happened to me?

Anne: Alex, your so...adorable! "she said picking him up into a hug as she squeezes him tight" your so cute, oh I hope this is what our kids look like

Alexander: Anne...can't...breath "he said as she let go of him"

Mr. Boonchuy: how did this happen?

Alexander: I don't kn- "he said before remembering" the blast

Sprig: the blast?

Alexander: yeah with the doctor, I thought it didn't do anything but I guess it reverted me to a 6 year old

Polly: you think this is permanent?

Alexander: I hope not

Mrs. Boonchuy: well one thing is for are adorable "she picked him up" oh I can't wait for grand babies

Alexander: (this is gonna be a long day)

It was now the next morning as we see anne holding Alex

Alexander: anne can you please put me down?

Anne: nope "she said as he sighs before the someone knocked on the door" oh that must be terri "she said setting Alex down" stay here sweetie "she said before answering the door"

Terri: I came as soon as I could "she said entering" so what hap- "she stoped as she sees Alex"

Alexander: hey terri

Terri: Oh my GOD YOUR SO CUTE "she said hugging him"

Alexander: okay I get it I'm cute, now please set me down "he said as she does" now can you tell us there's a cure?

Terri: well Dr. Frakes made that to help stay young but the effects only last for a short time

Alexander: how short?

Terri: 24 hours "she said as he sighed in relief"

Alexander: well that's good, I don't have to be a kid for long "he said as the news turned on"

Reporter: this just in there's a bank robbery in progress

Alexander: I got to go and help

Anne: oh no you don't you could get hurt!

Alexander: but I wanna help

Terri: I agree with anne sweetie

Alexander: sweetie?

Terri: I-I said sorry hehehe "she said blushing as Anne glares while Alex sighs"

Alexander: I guess I have no choice "he said putting his driver on" HENSHIN

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