Chapter 4: fight at the museum

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We start over Alex's hotel room laying on his bed while looking at his decade card

Alexander pov

Alexander: okay so I'm in a new world and I'm a hero who's supposed to save worlds but so far there hasn't been much for me to do "he said setting his card down when suddenly his phone rings" hello?

Anne: hey Alex is this a bad time?

Alexander: no, wait how did you get my number?

Anne: uh not important


We see Anne steal Alex's phone while he was busing tables

Anne: Okay number number where is it? Ah there now send to my phone perfect


Alexander: so what's up?

Anne: I was going to the museum to do some research on how to get the plantars home and I wanted to see if you wanted to come

Alexander: sure why not, I'll meet you there

After 20 minutes Alex made it to the museum where he's sees the others

Alexander: yo guys

Plantars: hi Alex

Anne: hey al-ex "she said yawning"

Alexander: Anne you seem tired?

Anne: I may have been up for the past couple of nights "she said as they entered the museum"

Sprig: whoa looks like you guys used to have a monster problem too "he said pointing to a dinosaur sculpture before entering the solar system room where they look at earth" wow!

Polly: ooh!

Hop Pop: wait, your people think the world is round?!

Alexander: don't tell me your one of those people hop pop? "He said as Anne taps his shoulder" what's up anne?

Anne: amphibia!

Alexander: what?

Anne: look! "She said pointing to a vase that had details of the calamity box"

Sprig: call me crazy but that looks like

Polly: one of us

Anne: I don't believe it could this be the clue we've been looking for? "She said as someone touches Anne's shoulder"

Random person: didn't expect to see frogs in here, eh?

Anne: ah what frogs huh?! "She said as the plantars hid behind Anne and Alex while the woman looks confused" oh you're talking about the pot

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

Anne: ah what frogs huh?! "She said as the plantars hid behind Anne and Alex while the woman looks confused" oh you're talking about the pot

Random person: yep what did you think I was talking about? I'm Dr. Jan I'm a curator here and an AVID lover of all things ancient "she said winking at hop pop"

Decade of amphibia Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ