Chapter 6: fixing frobo

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We start by seeing Alex and Anne showing her laptop to sprig and hop pop

Anne: and now, the internet "she said opening it as Hop pop and sprig look in awe"

Sprig: the answers to the mysteries of the universe right at your fingertips!

Hop Pop: It's an endless well of knowledge!

Anne: more like an endless well of cat videos! "She said playing a video of a cat playing the piano"

All: awww!

Alexander: I love cats so much!

Hop Pop: do you think he's self taught? "He said as Anne plays another video of a dancing cat"

All: oooooooo! "They said when suddenly Polly kicks open the door to the garage"

Polly: guys guys guys I did it! I fixed Frobo! Come on, check it out!

Anne: fixed him?

Alexander: who?

Sprig: uh

Hop Pop: okay, show us Fro-what the?

Anne: what the-

Alexander: heck! "He said as we see a robot head on a broken washing machine with lots of electrical wires"

Polly: so, what do you think? Pretty impressive, right?

Anne: impressive's one way to put it

Polly: you guys ready for this?

Hop Pop: Polly, I don't think you should turn him on yet

Anne: yeah are you sure you even know what you're doing?

Polly: of course I know what I'm doing, Anne, everything's gonna be just fine! "She said plugging it in but nothing happened"

Sprig: something's supposed to happen, right? "He said as Frobo started to fire lasers causing everyone to panic"

Alexander: YOU JUST HAD TO SAY SOMETHING DIDN'T YOU! "He yelled before grabbing his gun and firing some shots as Anne unplugs it stopping the robot as everyone relaxes"

Hop Pop: Polly, what were you thinking? You could've just killed us

Polly: sorry sorry "she says looking inside of Frobo" I know he's got some kinks to work out, but-

Hop Pop: nuh uh enough of this, I forbid you from working on this robot further

Anne: I'm with Hop Pop, Polly I think we should wait till we get back to Amphibia, then maybe we can find someone who knows robots, you know?

Sprig: I know you miss him, we do too, but you just need to be patient

Anne: hey, how about a new robot friend to play with? This is Teddy Lumpkins he used to be my best friend "she said showing a creepy bear"

Teddy: I eat eyes

Hop Pop: what the-

Alexander: kill it!

Teddy: cream, I eat ice cream

Sprig: oh

Hop Pop: well, that's fine

Alexander: still kill it! "He said as they look at him" what that thing is creepy

Anne: Loggle would like this thing

Polly: how dare you? Frobo can't be replaced! "She said smacking the bear away"

Teddy: I want to nibble your fingers hehe

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