i meant i'm madly in love with you

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prompts: "are you even listening to me?" "sorry, it's hard to focus when you look like that" & "wait, you like me?" "wasn't that obvious?" "not really!"

summary: you and eddie hook up once and you get pregnant, and you have to tell your dad, which could result in nothing good. 

warnings: language, mentions of sex, teen pregnancy 

*everyone wanted eddie and the baby at hellfire club, so that's at the end of this imagine! this one is super long, so enjoy! (that's what she said)* 


"I don't know if I even want you to tell me. I already know what you're going to say and I don't want to hear it." You were pacing back and forth in the bathroom of Family Video, Robin staring at the test in her hand.

"Yeah, you really don't want me to say it," Robin confirmed. "It's positive. They all are."

You sunk to the ground, putting the back of your head against the wall. You tightly closed your eyes, wishing this was a nightmare and you would wake up any second.

"This probably isn't the best time... but who's the dad? You never told me you were seeing anyone." Robin inquired.

"I'm not and I wasn't." You said, Robin understanding it was a one-time thing.

"Are you two ok in here?" Steve shouted from outside the door. You got up and opened the door. As soon as you saw him, you began to cry. He hugged you, very confused and looked at Robin for help. Robin held up the pregnancy test, and Steve's eyes went wide. "So you wouldn't go out with me, but you get pregnant with some other guy?" Steve questioned. You pulled away from the hug, hitting Steve's shoulder.

"Seriously, not the time dingus!" Robin told him.

"Oh yeah like you always say things at the appropriate time." Steve fired back.

"You both are not helping right now." You told them. "I have to go." You grabbed your stuff and headed out the door, getting into your car, and heading to the first place you needed to go.

When you got to Eddie's trailer, your hands were shaking. You could barely knock on the front door. When he immediately opened it after the first knock, you jumped back.

"Sorry! I didn't mean to scare you! What are you doing here?" Eddie questioned.

"Can we talk?"

"Yeah, come in!" Eddie stepped aside so you could enter, and you stood in the living room, playing with your hands. "Are you ok?" Eddie asked.

"Eddie, do you remember that night we had together a couple of months ago?" You asked as if he could ever forget.

"You mean the best night of my fucking life? No, doesn't ring a bell." Eddie joked.

"It's about to not be the best night of your life." You told him.


"Eddie, I'm pregnant." You said, not knowing how else to sugarcoat the situation. Eddie just stood there, a blank stare on his face. You moved your hand in front of his face, trying to break him out of his gaze, but he didn't blink or move. "Eddie?"

"Sorry, for a second there it sounded like you said you were pregnant. Which, if you're pregnant, that means that your birth control clearly didn't kick in that day and our condom broke, which is impossible. This also means I'm going to be a dad, and I can barely take care of high school children in Hellfire! That would also mean that the girl I've liked since forever is the mother of my child after a one-night stand!" Eddie kept rambling, and you just stood there.

eddie munson imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu