i'm tired of it | drabble-ish

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requested by: georgiiababes

summary: eddie finally admits he is tired of everyone calling him a freak and you comfort him <3

warnings: language, bullying

*i am so sorry i haven't been updating! i have not had much motivation to write and have been super busy! i will try and get more done soon! also, comment ideas for a part two to this!!!!*


High school was hell for most people, but especially for your best friend, Eddie Munson. He was constantly made fun of because he's on the weird side, constantly called a freak. Every single time Eddie plays it off and puts on a strong look, but it really kills him inside.

You were sitting at lunch when Eddie walked to the table, sitting down next to you. Dustin, Mike, and Lucas soon joined the pair. Soon enough, Jason and his asshole friends walked by, laughing and making noises at your group.

"What's up freak! Hope you have a shitty day!" Jason said, throwing a half-eaten apple on the table at Eddie. Eddie flipped him off and watched him walk away.

"I fucking hate that guy. Let's just kill him already. I know a guy." You said.

"And who would that be?" Eddie questioned, laughing at your remark. Trying to hide how much the comment bothered him.

"Actually, multiple people. Hopper, a bunch of Russians, the Mind Flayer, Demogorgons, and can't forget Murray!" Eddie laughed. He didn't know about the weird things in this town, which meant you could make jokes like this and them go over his head.

"Hopper is the only reasonable one since it's Mike's father-in-law. And I don't know what a Murray is." Eddie told you, smiling.

"Don't call him my father-in-law," Mike argued. "Gross."

"Guess you're not spending the rest of your life with El then." You told him.

"Still can't believe the little rat has a girlfriend." Eddie whispered to you.

"I heard that freak!" Mike said in a joking tone, but not realizing the word he used until it came out.

"Seriously Mike?" Everyone looked at him.

"I didn't mean it how they do. I was kidding." He defended.

"I know, shit-head," Eddie said, getting up and patting him on the head. "I'm going to go to the bathroom then head to class."

"Since when does he go to class?" Dustin questioned.

"Since Mike became a serious asshole." You threw yourself up off your chair angrily and aggressively walked away, trying to find Eddie in the hallway. When you didn't see him anywhere, you suddenly heard a loud noise, followed by cuss words. You opened up the janitor's closet to see Eddie there, trying to catch the brooms and mops that fell.

"Oh hey, Y/N. Don't mind me."

"Are you ok? Don't lie to me." You asked, closing the door behind you. Eddie started nodding, but then he basically threw himself down on the floor, sitting criss-cross.

"I'm tired of it." He responded simply. You sat down next to him, rubbing his back.

"Mike shouldn't have said that, but you know he didn't mean it."

"I don't give a shit about Mike, it's those jocks that get to me."

"I know. I see the walls you put up so it seems like their words don't phase you." You told him. Eddie snuggled into your touch, putting his head on your chest. You started rubbing his head and playing with his hair.

"You've always been the only one to truly see me, for me. You know everything about me." Eddie told you. He put a hand on your knee, giving you chills.

"That's what best friends are for."

"More like soulmates," Eddie said immediately.

"Soulmates in a platonic way? Or..."

"Or more like I'm in love with you kind of way..." Eddie looked up at you, placing his hands on your outer thighs. You ran your thumbs over his cheeks. "You're the only person who gets me, who even bothers to comfort me. You are incredible, Y/N." You smiled at Eddie's words.

"It's all you." You whispered. Eddie placed a soft kiss on your lips, and he pulled you closer to him. "Am I dreaming? I only came in here to make you feel better. I didn't realize we'd be confessing how we feel. I would have dressed better for the occasion." You joked. Eddie kissed you again.

"You are perfect," Eddie whispered, pressing his forehead against yours. "And you always make me feel better. Can I take you to dinner tonight?"

"Yes." You kissed his cheek, which made Eddie hug you, holding you as tight and close as he could.

"I'll pick you up at seven."

"I'll be anxiously ready and waiting at six."

"I'll be anxiously getting ready and freaking out, about right now." You squeezed Eddie a little bit, and looked up and kissed him, dreaming about your date that night. 


sorry it's short! but make sure to vote :) 

eddie munson imaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin