"Do you have proof that this 'barrier' actually exists? I want proof that he can't actually leave," Norah stated as she stood up and snapped her attention onto Y/n.

Y/n simply smirked, glancing over at Bill whose face instantly fell as he knew exactly what Y/n planned to do to prove that he was incapable of leaving this town.

"Oh no."

"Oh yes, yes I do have proof. Simply get in the car and I'll show you three," Y/n grinned from ear-to-ear, going to grab Bill's injured arm that had the bandages wrapped around it, digging their fingers a bit into his wound before dragging him towards the car once more. He yelped when they dug into the wound, following after them with a look of displeasure. Jerome went to grab Vox's hand and gently help them off the bench, going to follow Y/n with Norah right behind the two.

They all made it to the car, the three teenagers moving to sit in the back while Bill took his spot in the passenger seat once more and Y/n took the driver's seat. Once the car was started and seatbelts were buckled, they drove off back to the town line.

Jerome sat in the middle, bouncing up and down in excitement at the thought that he was currently sitting in a car with an actual demon. He couldn't believe it- after years of trying to prove the supernatural existed, fate decided to just hand him over a demon just like that! He hoped he would be able to ask all his questions and have them answered. There was so much he wished to know, wanting to know if there were more than just demons out there and where he would have to go to find other supernatural beings. He was trying not to fanboy too much, wanting to not make a fool of himself right in front of the demon.

Norah was on the right side, right behind the so-called "demon" with her arms crossed and eyes narrowed. She didn't believe any of this in the slightest. It sounded like a bad joke to her. She never once was fooled by myths, legends, and fairytales as a child. She grew up on reading science and history books, believing in what she knows rather than the possibilities of what could be. So the idea that there was some sort of barrier keeping demons trapped inside of Mercy sounded absolutely absurd to her. Maybe this was some sort of horrible nightmare that she needed to wake up from to escape back into reality. She actually tried a few times to pinch herself in the car to see if she could wake herself up, but nothing happened.

Vox sat patiently on the left side of Jerome, remaining silent as they looked out the window and watched the town pass by as they drove on. They didn't have much to actually say about all of this, keeping their thoughts to themselves. They could sense how excited Jerome was, though, and was really glad he was so happy. They have been trying to help Jerome find evidence of the supernatural and prove that it was real for a while now and were glad they had finally gotten lucky and had evidence of the supernatural practically dropped in their lap. It was really exciting, overall. But they could also sense that Norah was not having any of this and was only coming along to once again prove to Jerome that there was no possible way that the supernatural or anything paranormal could actually exist. Maybe today Norah will be the one proven wrong, however, and let Jerome finally have a win. Their friend group was definitely interesting.

They continued the drive in silence, up until they got to the point where Y/n and Bill had discovered the decaying animals in the middle of the road the night before. As they passed this area, however, it looked as though the carcasses had been removed from the road. They had still been there that morning when Y/n and Bill had passed, but now they were gone. That wasn't the only difference as there were now two police cars parked on the side of the road. Both of the cars were empty; the cops that had driven them here were now standing deeper within the woods, examining it in curiosity. It's not everyday they see an entire portion of the woods suddenly die overnight. Did this have something to do with the power outage that happened last night within the town? It seemed highly unlikely both of these events were just a coincidence, but the cops had no clue what could have happened here.

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