3. Chapter Three.

Começar do início


"I most definitely did not! I'm a woman of honour." I lied as my face turned to the shade of a tomato with such an accusation from him.

Dimitri exited the walk-in closet now fully dressed handsomely. I closely watched as he took a seat in the corner of the room taking a call on his phone while speaking Italian before briefly hanging up.

Dimitri was just about to leave the room in which case I quickly spoke up.

"I understand that I am a prisoner here under your orders, but am I permitted to leave your room even for sometime?" I summoned the courage to question him.

He walked right through the door but not before casting a last glance at me and shut it without saying anything, leaving me completely dissatisfied with his lack of people skills. I knew he didn't have to explain himself, but the very least he could do was respond.

His attractive stature certainly did not match his rather rude personality.

I made up my decision and reverted to watching TV, but the door then opened, displaying what appeared to be another guard, although he was much younger and appeared somewhat strange at first glance.

He had a boyish grin and short brown curly hair; he was around five feet six inches tall, which I still consider to be very tall; and he had a very slim build. He appeared to be someone who should be at school, and his character didn't seem to fit in with these dinosaurs here.

I pouted wondering what the hell he wanted.

"Hi! I'm Gabriel, but you can call me Gabe for short. From now on, I'll be your eyes and ears, as well as your guide to the in's and outs of this place."

"You seem very.....chirpy." I stated still a little taken back about his attitude.

How could one be this chirpy with this much murderers in one location.

"I have to be when there's a bunch of Vampire's around here ready to blow my head off on target." He concluded.

"Well let me cut to the chase Gabe, I need you to help me break out of here." I wasn't looking for a friend especially one that resided around these places.

"Oh love, have you not met Dimitri? Does he look like a man you can escape from?" Gabriel chuckled like it was the most funniest thing he had ever heard.

I rolled my eyes while folding my hands together, I could see that he was going to be useless to me.

"Let's have a walk shall we." He grabbed a hold of my hand before pulling me outside the room door.

"So, have you done the dirty with Dimitri?" I immediately withdrew my hand from his.

"Ew, obviously not, a woman of dignity, grace, ambition and common sense would know not to." I frowned as I looked about the place trying to see if there was nowhere to escape to.

But all I could see were big bulky men cleaning their guns. I quickly wrapped my hand around Gabriel's hand in order not to seem out of place but after everyone's eyes turned in my direction I knew that I was doing a terrible job at it.

"A woman of dignity and grace? Your the first weird woman I've come across in quite a long while." I ignored Gabriel's insult before asking a question of my own.

"Why is everyone staring at me?"

"Well if you must know, Dimitri has never brought a woman to his room. He's always ever just taken them to a guestroom until he has his way with them and then he disposes of them." I gasped immediately letting go of his hand.


"Yep." Gabriel popped the p.

"But don't worry, they think you might have a fighting chance of living since your in his bedroom since...." I noticed how Gabriel immediately stopped.

"Since what?" I questioned further.

"Since several years ago." He joked but I could see there was something more to it but decided against further asking him.

"I seem to notice your Italian voice, your not from my country of Asentrix are you?" I questioned him.

"No, we're here on business meeting and once we're done then we'll be heading back to Italy." Gabriel explained.

"Don't worry you have a lot of time in winning over Dimitri's trust and getting out of here. Take my foolish advice Rena, make him trust you by doing whatever he wants." Gabriel spoke nonchalantly leaving me to scowl at him.

I walked along the corridors noticing that there was a few ruthless looking men approaching us with very heavy machinery.

My breath caught in my throat and I struggled to breathe thinking they were about to do something horrific to me as I stopped in my tracks.

I could hear Gabriel trying to get me out of my trance and after coming back to my senses I scrambled back into the direction of Dimitri's room and making sure to lock the door and ignore Gabriel beatings against the door.

My god, was he setting me up to get me killed?!

After a few minutes of not hearing a thing it was safe to determine that the damn crooks had passed by my door.

I let out a long, heavy sigh before crawling into bed, where I passed out from a bad headache.

Later that day......

I headed to the bathroom to take a long bath and think about all my options, would I really sell myself short and be with this man to make it out alive?

Based on my calculations, getting him to trust me was certainly not going to be easy. I thought about everything until my headache reappeared and dropped the thought before I exited the bath.

Dimitri abruptly appeared in front of me as I exited the shower. His gaze was lured to my naked body, which was entirely exposed for him to see. I hurriedly grabbed a nearby towel and wrapped it around myself.

"I assumed you had drowned." He simply stated, leaving me stunned and blushing at his unexpected intrusion.

This was the second time someone other than a maid had seen me completely naked, which had always horrified me but had become second nature to me after years of dealing with it, but for some reason, my body ached for him to see me this way.

I naturally bit my bottom lip as Dimitri's eyes focused thoroughly on my physique, much to his satisfaction. As soon as I realized what was happening, I raced forth, grabbed the towel that was hanging from the sliding door, and quickly draped it around me.

Having already assessed me Dimitri's eyes sparkled mischievously before he headed back into his room.

What the hell was happening to me?!

His Princess To Claim✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora