"Do you intend to kill me?" I stumbled out, as I heaved audibly. I didn't want to be in that predicament at all.

"Fortunately for you Rena we do not harm woman in that manner but there's always a first for everything." I sighed hearing his words before hyperventilating once more after hearing the ending of his horrifying sentence.

I turned away from him as a sly smirk adorned his soft lips, hoping against hope that I could rip my hands free from the clothing that bound me.

"What do you plan on doing with me? Are you going to sell me or have me become one of your slaves?" I confronted him while feeling distressed.

I writhed trying to get away from his intently watchful gaze. My soul felt like it was being somehow penetrated by his piercing gaze.

"That depends." After gazing at me for a number of rendered seconds, he said.

"Depends on what?" I sucked in my breathing hoping not to hear the worst thing I possibly could.

"It depends on your ability to remain quiet about what you witnessed and on whether or not you can be trusted Rena," He expressed while I kept tugging at the clothing.

"I beg you, I will not speak to anyone; you have my word. If you'll just let me go, we can forget everything. I beg you." I pleaded with him in the hopes that he would feel compassion, but memories of what happened the previous night led me to believe that those ocean green eyes were filled with nothing less than evil intent.

I continued to pry my hands from the clothes but unfortunately it felt as though the clothes kept tightening around my hands.

"You do understand that pulling on the clothes will accomplish nothing. If you do manage to get away from them, there's nowhere you could possibly try to conceal. My men are stationed about this place, ready to kill when deemed necessary." I came to a complete stop when I overheard him say those things.

"Who are you?" Was he the head of some sort of gang? Oh my god, he is a gang leader! That explains why he had those men beat up the guy in the alley.

I had simply assumed that they were a group of thugs or goons attacking a man in order to make some quick cash. Media reports of wallet theft incidents in and around Bridgeton were prevalent.

"Usually I'm not one for introductions but my name is Dimitri if you insist my name is Dimitri." He introduced himself.

"Dimitri." I pouted hearing his name.

A name that befits a man who is unquestionably very handsome.

"And I assume you don't have a last name, Dimitri?" His eyes seemed to glint as I asked the question, but he ignored me and continued to closely observe me.

"Have there ever been anyone that's been deemed innocent in my predicament before?" As his expression grew more amused, almost smirking, I questioned.

"Rena, many women have been in your position before, and they have all begged me to take them so they can be freed from their anguish." I nearly threw up when I saw the sneaky smile forming on his lips.

How disgusting.

"How pitiful." I spat while sarcastically rolling my eyes.

"Your mind is being mischievous, I can see Rena. I was not discussing anything that concerned sex." I listened to what he had to say while attempting to turn my head to the side to avoid being embarrassed by my mortifying face.

Dimitri arose from his seat and strolled over to me, making my heart begin race uncontrollably again. I had no idea what he had in store for me as he stalked closer stopping right before me.

He gently grabbed my chin with his palm, allowing me to have a better look at him. He was a painfully charming man whose charisma is sadly squandered being a criminal.

"If I were you, Little One, I'd be extremely cautious about what I speak out of my lips because I currently hold your life in my hands." I timidly blushed and attempted to advert my eyes away from him.

His delicate palm released my chin before running a thin line across my cheek and slightly prolonging his touch on my lips, causing me to gasp and look up at him, but his eyes were intensely observing my skin as he stopped at the base of my neck.

I parted my lips, letting out the breath I had been holding. For some inexplicable reason, his finger left nothing but want everywhere he touched instead of the aversion I should've strongly felt for him.

I wondered why my damn body and mind kept on thinking of ways we both could satisfy our needs. It was only left for my heart and soul to give in, the last vestiges of sanity I had left.

I might be swayed easily but never one to easily give in to my dark desires thankfully which meant that there was no way something would happen between us and hopefully I would soon be out of here.

A few seconds later, the door was knocked on, and when it was opened, two maids were standing inside with a tray of food which caused my stomach to give way in an unfortunate and untimely manner. I glanced aside in an attempt to hide my blush because I knew Dimitri had heard my stomach rumble at that same moment.

"Have her taken care of."

Both servants took turns feeding and bathing me. Naturally, I was accustomed to this, but when I tried to inquire about something, they ignored me and carried on with their work.

They didn't appear to be imprisoned against their will, which led me to believe that they were most likely being paid well and were just as ruthless as those who actually kidnapped me.

After they were done, the women attempted to re-tie me to the bed, but I was able to escape and flee in the direction of the exit door. Unfortunately, when I was finally able to open the door, I was shocked to see that there were two guards posted outside my door.

When the guards grabbed a hold of me. I was quickly apprehended and taken to the bed where I was bounded once more and at the top of my lungs, I screamed, but nothing occurred. Unfortunately, this time a cloth was used to gag me.

Son of bitches!

I glared at them as they turned and left the room and Dimitri re-entered removing my gagged. Once he removed my gag I spoke.

"Why do you have to keep me in bonds and treat me like a blasted prisoner if you're going to let me go?" I prodded him hard, while glaring up at him.

His eyes remained intently on me for a few seconds before I once again spoke to him.

"Will you not have me released?" I implored him to let me go with beseeching eyes noting that it was futile to glare at the man who held me hostage.

"Oh, on the contrary, little one, you'll be confined to this bed moving forward for a few days."

AN: Remember to hit that like button and tell me what you think im the comments section!❣

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