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Caitlin couldn't put off going home any longer. Tommy had to go and work his other job as their church's treasurer, so he couldn't run the bookshop on his own.

Unfortunately, Ciaran had to go as well. He had a few things to sort out at the club before he took the rest of the week and the weekend off for the wedding. But with him being so visibly exhausted from what she'd put him through that week, Soph wasn't happy about him driving, so A.J. drove his car back, much to Kelly's absolute disgust.

"You met her today and you're letting her drive your car?"

"A.J., how many speeding tickets have you had?"


"Wait... what?" He gasped

"I'm kidding. None. I don't have a driver's license."


"Oh my gosh, I'm kidding! Caity, your friends need to loosen up. Anyone would think they'd just had a big fight or something."

They liked A.J.


Soph went out like a log, slept like a light, woke up in... wait... no. She woke up very groggy - a remnant of how little sleep she'd gotten over the past few days. She was even up before Ciaran, which was odd.



Good Morning baby. Missed you last night. I can't fricking wait to wake up next to you tomorrow. Did you sleep ok? 🥰💕💖 xxxxx


But despite her grogginess, she hadn't been to work all week, so she showered, dressed and made her way into the office's bakery. Wait, no. Into the bakery's office. Kelly was already there, and called her in.

"Blake's already emailed me this morning."

Soph frowned.

Kelly frowned back at her. "I know. She wants to know our answer by tonight."

"Well, she's not getting it. We need to find out how Luc found me, first. We don't have the full story."

"So you're still considering it?"

Soph paused for a moment. " Maybe. But I don't know the details. If I tell him I'm not taking him back, and that I'll come to London, but only for work... is he still going to want to do it?"

Kelly hummed as she thought. "I don't know. I genuinely don't know. We'd have to ask him."

Soph sighed. "Yeah, but I don't really want to do that, though."

They paused.

"Tell her she has to wait until Monday. You've got family commitments on this weekend."

Kelly nodded, a sly smile on her face. "Yeah, like confronting the fuck out of Jess and finding out who she told. Or if she told."

Soph got stuck in to the rest of the week's worth of emails she'd been ignoring, but her phone chimed, and she immediately leaned back.



Ahhh! I'm awake! Sorry! Must've slept like a light last night. xxxxx


Soph grinned at her phone.


The Only Two ThingsTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang