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Soph awoke as the car came to a stop. The sun was fully set. She'd literally cried herself into some sort of a coma for so long that it was now dark. She'd fallen asleep, possibly from the overload on her brain.

"Where are we?"

"We're still in Dublin, don't worry. I think you needed a little bit of a rest."

Her phone was buzzing, and she glanced down at it.


She declined the call, just as Caitlin glanced over at her. "Did you just decline his call?"

Soph sniffled loudly.

"I have a lot of questions, Soph. Most importantly, who the heck was that guy?"

" Luc. My ex."

She frowned. "So why's he here?"

"To get me back."

"And you called me? And not Kelly?"

"I can't call her. This is because of her."

Caitlin blew air out over her lips. "That doesn't sound right. When we get back to your place, I'll make you a cuppa, and you can explain. Okay?"

Soph nodded. Her eyes were so sore. She just wanted to close them again. But she looked down at her phone as it buzzed, notifying her of yet another missed call from Ciaran.

Ciaran: 22 missed calls

Kelly: 43 missed calls

Blake: 3 missed calls

"I'm so sorry, Caitlin. I'm so sorry about this. I didn't know who else to..."

Caitlin took Soph's hand. "You can always call me. Always. Especially if you're running from an ex-boyfriend. Though, I do appreciate his taste in handbags."

Soph smiled at her. "It's mine. It'd be how he found my place."

"Do you think he's still there?"

"I don't know."

Her phone pinged with a text, notifying her of yet another missed call the latest in an apparent stream from Ciaran.



You okay? How was the lunch? xxx

Did he kidnap you lol xxxx

Kel said she hasn't heard from you either. Baby please call me. I'm freaking out here ❤️xxx

Kel just spoke to Blake, who spoke to your 'mysterious buyer'. And apparently they told Blake you ran out of the restaurant and left your bag and coat there. What happened?

If you see this, please, please call me. I'm so worried baby. xxxxxxx


And then, the most recent one.



I just want to know you're ok xxxxxx

I saw that change to seen. Im leaving work now. IDK what's happened but im coming to make sure you're ok. xxxxxx


She just saw his name appear on her phone as he called her yet again.

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