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Soph's makeup was once again flawless, perfect for daytime. And she'd just finished her eyeliner when she heard Kelly's running footsteps.

She held out her arms, preempting the octopus cuddle she was about to receive.

"Soph, please, I'm so sorry."

Kel threw her arms around her, as Sophie sighed. "I'm sorry babe. I shouldn't have reacted so fast. It was a misunderstanding."

"You thought he'd been playing you this whole time to get to Caitlin."

"I just... I never want to be in that situation again, for obvious reasons. Feelings fucking suck"

"That why Ciaran's got your lipstick on his neck?"

Soph burned about twenty shades of red. "That's different."

Kelly smiled. "I would tell you to be careful... but you don't need to be with him. I promise you, Soph. He. Will. Not. Hurt. You. I will stake everything I own on it. You give him a shot with you, a real shot, it's either gonna end in you hurting him or you guys getting married. There's no option where he's going to do anything other than worship the ground you walk on until the day you die."

Sophie laughed. "As nice as that sounds, I think he's more confident than you think."

"I would be too if I knew what you looked like with my cock in your mouth" Kelly teased, pursing her lips.

Soph's mouth fell open, "Kelly!"

Kelly shrugged.

Soph bit her lip. "I hate that he's your cousin. I want to tell you... things."

"Okay. Ew. Just.. fucking hell. Go on."

"He made me come."


Soph clapped her hand over Kelly's mouth, giggling furiously.

"He said he did 'research'. And I don't know what fuckin' Wikipedia article teaches whatever the fuck he was doing, but like... five minutes, tops. "

Kelly blew air out of her mouth as Soph removed her hand. "I mean... I hate hearing it. But... hasn't that been like, a thing, for you?"

Soph shrugged. "I know. It's been... fucking hell. It hasn't happened since Luc."

Kelly's eyebrows shot up. "Really? Not once? In two years?"

"Oh, I meant like, from someone else doing it. Doing anything. It's always just... me doing it myself after. There's a good reason my vibrator's in my bathroom, and not next to my bed. I don't know how he did it. Well I do... but you don't want those details."

Kel cringed. "Oh my god, no, I absolutely do not, and that's enough of that conversation. Oh god, ew."


As the girls finished touching up their makeup and hair, they walked back out into the lounge, and she flopped down next to Ciaran. Kerry jumped up and lay over their laps, rolling onto her back for Soph to scratch her belly.

Sophie used one hand to scratch her belly, and the other to massage behind her ears. Kerry's eyes closed, and Ciaran laughed.

"It's a shame Liam knows, because this would've convinced him. I've never seen her take to someone this fast."

"She knows a fellow bitch when she sees one." Soph teased.

Ciaran laughed, and their eyes locked briefly. The electricity between them was absolutely palpable. It was a weird dynamic.

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