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Dinner was freaking delicious . Soph wondered if all weddings were this fancy, or just really, really rich people. Everyone looked so beautiful, especially Jess. Soph finally had a chance to meet her sisters, who seemed as cold as Jess at first, but, upon finding out that she was that Sophie, the one who'd been quite a good friend to Jess, they immediately warmed to her.

Ciaran gave a stupidly adorable, but extremely funny speech, talking about him and Conor as kids, making extra sure to play up how proud he was of him at taking this step with Jess. Conor was absolutely beaming at Ciaran, and they shared a huge hug, and Kate and Danny looked like their dreams had completely come true. Soph could barely believe how confident he looked up there, and laughed at how odd it must've seemed to everyone who'd been at Easter lunch a few weeks proper. A fistfight, a loud disagreement over lunch... and now they were just... fine? Soph wondered if everyone's relationships with their siblings were like this. A big bust-up, but all is forgiven, no matter how big. A part of her wished she could forgive Marie for what she'd done. But it wasn't the time to think of that now.

As soon as Ciaran sat down, he downed an enormous glass of water, and breathed a heavy sigh of relief.

"Your speech was amazing!"

"Thanks baby. Feck, I was so nervous. Maybe had one too many leadin' up to that."

"Oh, so you're planning on slowing down a bit now, are you?"

Ciaran chuckled. "Nope."

Soph cracked up, clinking the bottom of her mojito glass to his whiskey. She leaned over and whispered in his ear "Aww, that's a shame. Was planning on blowing you in the bathroom later. But not if you've got whiskey dick."

Ciaran's eyes went wide, and he immediately poured himself a second glass of water, making Soph crack up again.

It wasn't long before the music started playing, and the MC announced Conor and Jess for their first dance. They did a cute, relaxed dance to a song that was clearly important to both of them, before the DJ switched to an upbeat song, and everyone started jumping onto the dancefloor to join them. Kelly was one of the first ones up, dragging Liam by the arm, and he reluctantly got up. Ciaran was the one who dragged Soph onto the dancefloor, but she was far more enthusiastic than Liam. She tried to keep her dancing PG, but as the night went on, Soph found herself less and less able to keep her hands off him. But the heavy bass from the speakers had them at an intoxicating pace. It was only when she realised she had her arms wrapped around his neck, her body pressed firmly against Ciaran's, his fingers already firm on her back, that it was probably going too far.

Her heart was already racing when she felt his breath in her ear, "So what was this you were sayin' about a bathroom?"

If the room had been silent, he would have heard a desperate moan escape her lips. But it was lost in the pulsing beat of the music. She looked up at him with narrowed, mischievous eyes, and bit her lip. But as soon as they spotted the bathroom line, she knew they'd never get away with it.

Ciaran looked annoyed, but a slight smile tugged at his face as he leaned into her again. "How far away is the car?"

Her eyes widened slightly with excitement, as she whispered back into him.

"Far enough" .

He subtly made her way back to their table, slipping the keys out of her bag and into his pocket, saying a few words to Nana Beth that looked like ' fresh air' . Taking her hand, they slipped out the front door, giggling like naughty teenagers. He opened the back door of the Lexus, and she practically dove inside it. He jumped in after her, pulling his jacket off, and throwing it haphazardly into the front seat. No sooner had he closed the door, she'd pulled her dress up high enough that she could straddle him, pushing him against the seat. She pressed her lips to his as if she was starved of him, biting his lips and breathing heavily through her nose. The delicious mix of the whiskey from him, and the rum and lime from her, made their kiss taste like a summer holiday, the perfect blend just right. He moaned into the kiss, as his hands fell to her thighs, sliding them higher and higher, pushing her dress further out of the way. His hands were like fire on her skin, with every twitch of them sending a pulse of desire through her. She spread her legs further, pressing herself against she already rock hard bulge in his suit trousers, and dropped her hands to his belt buckle.

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