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Cover Model: Instagram @ KenBek


"Fuck off, I'm not doing that".

"Soph. Please. I wouldn't ask if it wasn't important."

"No. Absolutely not."

"Come on, it'll be fun."

"It absolutely does not sound like fun. Surely he's got someone else he can take?"

Kelly shook her head. "Honestly, he's not the dating type. He just has real trouble finding a nice girl."

"You're nice, why don't you go?"

Kelly shot her a look. "Babe, he's me cousin. It's a family wedding. They already know who I am. Besides, I already told them your name. So it has to be you."

"You what!?"

"They asked what the girlfriend's name was, and I panicked and I jumped in and said Sophie. I said you were a friend of mine and that's how you met"

Sophie groaned into her hands. "How many favours is this now? How many cupcakes are you indebted to me?"

Kelly squealed, dropping the bag of flour she was holding, which landed on the commercial kitchen counter with a pouf of powder. She ran around the bench to Sophie, wrapping her arms around her.

"You'll do it?! Oh my god! Oh my god! I owe you a thousand cupcakes, I promise, I'll make every single one, babe!"

Sophie rolled her eyes. "Text me his number. Some of us have work to do. I'll message him later."

Kelly immediately whipped her phone out, dropping a contact to her. Sophie sighed.

"You're buying my dress, by the way."

Kelly squealed again, and hugged her. "I will! And shoes, and we'll get our hair done, oh my god, this is gonna be so fun!"

Sophie laughed. It wasn't like Kelly couldn't afford it. The bakery had taken off so significantly that she had a full staff. And she was raking it in. Sophie, as her business manager, knew exactly what she was making.

Kelly's buying me a new dress. And it's gonna be a fucking nice one.


Soph sat at her desk, clicking through to renew their business license. But she kept glancing at her phone. This was, by far, the most interesting thing to happen to her in a long time. At the very least, it would make a great story to tell at parties.

She picked up her phone and tapped the contact.



Hey, Ciaran! Kelly's friend Sophie here, apparently we're dating lol


Feck, I am so sorry lol. Thank you so much for doing this


All good, free booze for the night, and I needed a good laugh. Plus, she's never gonna let you live this down.

Probably should meet up at some point though, to get our story straight


That's sound. Coffee? Whenever you're free. I'm actually in Dublin today if you're about, could go for a dander?

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