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Will(ow)'s (POV)

-Depictions of Abuse
-It ends after the dream: I'll put a red flag (🚩) when it's done.


Today was supposed to be another ordinary day.

Pick vegetables, tease Boscha about whatever came to mind, and then end it with sitting and enjoying a dinner with Luz and her.

But of course, ordinary was never our thing.

Another snap and scream echoed out from the shacks.

It didn't sound like Boscha, but I couldn't be so sure for Luz.

Luz had always taken the blows when it came down to it.

If someone was going to get punished, Luz almost always managed to make it directed towards her.

I rounded the corner quickly, and my heart sunk. There was Luz, keeled over slightly with a face of pure pain. A group of workers watched idly, as Luz took hit after hit.

The master had brought the belt, and there was already blood smeared across her back and on the whip itself. As I got closer, I noticed I couldn't tell how bad it really was because there was so much blood. He must've hit a tendon or something. Maybe she had taken the blows from last weeks rep too. The scars hadn't had enough time to heal, and here she was, opening them up way to soon.

The blood oozed, slowly drizzling down her back and into the dirt.

"Get up," the master hissed, kicking her in the side.

She sucked in a large breath, and staggered to her feet, facing him once more.

He smirked, taking the belt and whacking her across the face with it.

She hissed, but didn't fall this time. This only made him grin wider, a manical look coming into his eyes. This had to stop. She couldn't keep taking these beatings and coming out alive.

The master hit her again. She shrieked as it collided with her face this time. He hit her again. Luz tried not to budge much. He hit her once more, and she fell back over, kneeling as blood trickled down her body.

"Stop," I managed to choke out.

The master whipped his head towards me, a huge wave of fear building inside me.

Day after day, year after year, Luz took every hit for us. She took every hit, even when the situation had nothing to do with her, and I always stood by idly, too scared to step in.

Now, the master glared at me as Luz picked up her head, shaking her head at me... pleading for me to not interfere.

"What'd you say?"

I gulped down the fear. "I said stop. He hasn't done anything wrong!"

The master scoffed, lumbering towards me until we were inches apart.

He towered over me by a good foot and a half.

My body wanted to tremble, to run, to do anything but stand here, but I stood still. I stood my ground.

"This situation ain't had anythin' to do with ya! Stay out of it, or you'll be joinin' him on the ground!"

The master gave me a harsh push backwards.

I stumbled back, but then stepped forward and pushed him, sending him stumbling in surprise. 

I looked to Luz who was too tired to resist but gave me a look that said, "What are you doing?"

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