Battle of Belleau Wood: Confession

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August's (POV)

June ?, 1918

"Shit," I heard someone yell. They dove straight into my pot-hole, face first into the dirt. I raised my gun, shakily, not wanting to have to shoot.

Everyone's faces had just blended together at this point. I couldn't really tell if the people on my team were actually on my team or not. At some point, I had ended up alone, hyperventilating behind a tree before a shell blew up near by, sending me flying.

I think I've been staying here for a while. Not sure how long now. Hours? Days? Maybe even weeks, I couldn't tell. I can't remember the last time I drank water, but it can't have been to long ago because I don't feel an undying thirst like I did at Cantigny.

I guess I have to shoot anyways. I prepared my gun, my arms still shaking. The face looked up from the dirt just as I was about to pull the trigger. "Luz?" I tossed my gun to the side and crawled over to him, pulling him fully in.

He groaned and resisted at first, but when he saw it was me he seemed to relax. How unique. It almost made me blush.

But I didn't.

For 2 reasons. The first was I'm not attracted to guys. I think Luz has a weird aura, and I would probably be attracted to him if he weren't a guy... with male parts and male anatomy. Yeah, ew. It's not very acceptable to like the same gender, especially where I live, but there isn't really much I can do about it.

I've always just tried to flirt and get along well with whatever dates my parents set me up with to get on with my fate before I kill myself out of being tortured. Weirdly enough, I think Luz would be an exception to that. I think we would get along well in a household.

Maybe he would even understand where I was coming from, if that's even possible. I don't know, but that moves me on to my second point. I can't marry someone who's a soldier in a war. Much less my Captain in a war!

Focus, Amity, I scolded myself.

I helped him sit up against the mound. It looked like part of his ear had been blown off, and his leg had been skimmed by a bullet. "I got lucky," he muttered, wrapping torn off fabric around his leg. He didn't even seem to notice his ear, that was until I touched it.

He hissed in pain, jerking his head away. "Your ear," I tried.

"Ya, it hurts! I can feel it!" His face was a bloodied mess, but I can't imagine mine looked much better. "There's a medic-" I pointed upwards, but Luz dove onto me, yanking my hand down. He was really close to my face. "Don't do that. You'll get shot," he hissed. His breath smelled like liquor and cigarettes. I tried to shove him off, but it was no use.

He glanced down at my lips, and I swear I tried to look away. I just couldn't. Something about him felt all to comfortable.

"You a girl?!" He asked, threatening my weak strength with his surprisingly strong nerd arms. Way to ruin the moment, Captain.


"Everyone seems to fink yous a girl! But I don't care if yous a girl! I care that you stay alive," he pulled me closer to him to make sure I heard every word. "What about the telling the Colonel and such-"

"Doesn't fuckin' matter! We're in a battle! What's he gonna do? Send yous home? Kill ya? He needs the soldiers. Not me." He had cut me off again, now with concern laced in his voice. Does he care... about me?

I tried to push him off again, but that only made him get closer. "I don't like guys, get off," I pleaded. He rolled his eyes. "What? You a fag?" Cigarette or gay? Because I am most certainly not a cigarette. The other I wasn't so sure...

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