Training is Meant to be Fair

233 18 6

Luz' (POV)

A/N: Ugh, here are where the trigger warnings start. Nothing brutal don't worry. *_*

-Depictions of minor injuries
-A lil bit of blood

May 7th, 1918

The next morning was rough. I had already been awake from... previous events in the night, so I was dead tired when I walked back to my tent and realized it was time for us to get up.

I sighed and rubbed my eyes, trying to wake myself up a little more before throwing on my vest and hard-hat. I then picked up my new gun and slung it over my shoulder with the gun-strap Bump had given me.

From there I walked over the little hill where the sun would begin to rise in just over an hour. Colonel Bump stood tall with his hands at his side. He watched as I came over the hill, and I thought I saw him smile, just for a moment.

The others arrived soon after I did, and joined me in forming a solid vertical line. My hands were at my side, chin up, looking directly at the Colonel, silently. He stared at us for a couple minutes before asking in a husky tone, "Who knows where the river is?"

I glanced both directions seeing no one raise their hands. I guess they didn't have a clue to where it was, but I did. I raised my hand without giving it a second thought.

Colonel Bump smiled. "Captain Noceda, you will be our leader then. Today we're starting off with a small run. To help build muscle. Run to the river and back twice before the others wake up and you'll get breakfast."

He looked at us expectantly of us before yelling, "Go!"

The way there was easy. I didn't know the path all that well, since I had only been to the river once, but we all got there in under ten minutes. The run back was a little worse. 15 minutes.

Colonel Bump met us at the border of camp. "25 minutes? For 2.5 miles? Come on men, let's try to do at least the same pace this time."

He eyes each of us again, noticing we was in a group still. "It's obvious none of you want to run ahead or behind the others, but this time, I want you to challenge yourselves. You can't all run in a herd towards the enemy. Go!"

We took off running once more.

By the time we had gotten to the river, I could see the sun threatening to peak over the horizon. I had separated from the majority of the group. Since starting to work in fields, I had always been a runner. I wouldn't say I was a Walter George, (the current world record holder of the fastest mile), but I could run one in just below 7 minutes.

With this in mind, and my dying urge to actually receive breakfast, I had sped up, bringing Hunter and the Warden Wrath. I was surprised at first that the older man could keep up, but when I thought about it made sense.

To get such a high ranking so early on, at such an old age (for war I mean), you had to be an outstanding addition to the team. I mean this guy probably was a hitman before this or something!

Edric was probably a minute or two behind us. I had lost the others a while back, so I had no estimate if they were going to make it back in time.

By the time we got back, I was starving. Colonel Bump smiled when he saw us in the lead. "I knew you men had potential." I nodded at him, still trying to catch my breath. "Go get a drink, the spigot is just by the fireplaces. Then make breakfast for everyone, so they can eat too."

I was the first to reply, "Yes Sir!" I replied with a short salute. I trotted off, leaving the others to catch their breath. After I got a drink, replenishing my taste buds from the dry cool air, I started a fire and began to boil water in an empty pot I had found in our supplies.

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