Into the Dark

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A/N: I apologize in advance for making you cry.

Buckle up...


Chapter 40:

Into the Dark

The noises around her were too close...too loud. Sirens cut through the air. She could feel everything and nothing.

Everything. The pain. The grief. The weight of the world.

Nothing. The depth of a deep pit sucking what was left of her soul dry. No feelings. No pain.


The void.

Hands were against her...moving her. A heavy weight was on top of her.

It's not Darren.

It's not.

It can't be.

The weight wasn't moving. It was like a warm blanket, but to her it felt like a prison cell.

It burned. It itched. She was hot and cold at the same time.

She felt everything.

And she felt nothing.

There was a vast empty space left by a hole that had been ripped into her body. Her heart had been torn from her chest.

There were voices. Too many voices.

"Where the hell are Agent Gellman and Agent Miranda?"

"...don't know..."

"...can't do shit until they get here..."


"Watch the evidence..."

" contamination."

"...FBI is going to have a shit-fit."

"Don't step there..."

"Jesus, this is fucking sick..."

"...blood everywhere."

"Don't move the body."

Oh, God...the body...

She felt like puking.

It's not how they were supposed to end up.

"...scene needs to be processed."

"...lost a lot of blood."

She made the mistake of rolling her head to the side. She stared at the bloody lump on the ground, photos flashing.

A crew came in with a solemn attitude as they slipped a sheet over her.

No one was rushing to help her.

Of course not.

She's dead.


That isn't right.

Can't be right.

None of this makes any sense.

"Alison..." The voice was familiar, but she couldn't place it.

It was full of pain and anguish. It was full of...loss.

Infatuation (PLL Emison AU)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora