Social Deception

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Chapter 12:

Social Deception

Alison walked towards the employee entrance of the hospital, smiling as she thought about Emily's last message.

You're all I can think about.

She'd re-read it a dozen times, which was coincidentally the number of doughnuts she had in a box in her arms. She'd stopped at a 24-hour coffee and doughnut shop known for their Éclairs and Boston Creams.

It felt like a doughnut kind of night. The graveyard shift had a way of making people grouchy, and she was determined to get through it with smiles. She didn't have the patience for grumpy people. She'd exuded all her energy on sex with Emily. And she was hungry. They hadn't stopped to least...not anything from the kitchen.

She couldn't help but giggle thinking about reading an ingredients list and nutritional facts about what they'd been tasting all night.

Ingredients: Sugar, spice, a little of everything not nice. Allergen information: This product is completely nut free. May contain traces of milk. Nutritional facts: Fat, nonexistent. Sodium, can be a little salty if one doesn't get what she wants. Sugar, so so sweet. Potassium: That ass is yum.

She'd always thought it was a cliché that people were happier and more carefree after getting laid. If she had access to her feelings she would be feeling as close to those two emotions as possible. She was practically skipping.

I don't skip. Since when do I skip? This woman is turning me into some kind of sap.

She slowed her pace and looked at the building in front of her. The hospital had an eerie presence to it at night. It was the center of a hurricane...the calm before the storm.

The staff joked that the crazies came out in the middle of the night, but there was some truth to it, especially when there was a full moon.

Alison had neglected to see the large orange blood moon in the sky until she left her house earlier. It was appropriate to see given all the ass she'd gotten.

Oh, is that what we missed during our marathon fuckfest? Interesting.

Maybe the moon made people hornier, too.

The blonde walked into the hospital with a huge I got laid...multiple times grin on her face.

Not even the scowl that Kathleen shot her could bring her down.

The grumpy old bitch was alive despite Alison switching her meds out. She knew it was going to take time, but it irked her when she thought about all the kids who had suffered because of the woman's greed.

Chief Hastings was by the intake desk with Alison's favorite nurse, Anne. They were looking over a file.

Anne saw Alison approaching.

The blonde flipped open the top of the doughnut box and Anne let out a sound between curiosity and delight.

"Doughnuts at this hour?" Chief Hastings chided with a smile on her face.

"Dr. DiLaurentis, you are a Godsend..." Anne grabbed a glazed doughnut without hesitation.

Maybe a fallen Godsend. A little bitty hellspawn...

Anne bit into the pastry and let out a moan that rivaled the noises Alison made when she orgasmed.

The way Anne's eyes lit up in excitement made Alison feel an all-important omnipresent God. The Doughnut God...or like...Santa Claus. But instead of toys she gave people mini-orgasms by way of food. Adults were just big kids eager for their sugar rush. A powdered doughnut or a snickerdoodle could bring out the child in anyone.

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