The Follow Up

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A/N: Warning: Disturbing imagery. Elements of NAT, abuse, and violence/gore.

Chapter 4:

The Follow Up

Emily's head was buzzing. Ever since she'd been released from the hospital she'd been having trouble sleeping. It didn't help that her mother was constantly blowing up her phone.

The pain in her chest was bad enough. But the nightmares she was having were driving her to consider cracking open the bottle in her cabinet. It mocked her in her thoughts.

Just one shot.

Just one glass.

Just one bottle.

Ironically, she didn't feel the urge to swallow a bunch of her pain medications. She'd barely touched them. Her poison was bourbon. And it started calling to her the instant she got home.

She'd been in the hospital for two weeks for her recovery. The pretty blonde surgeon visited her often.

Emily always had something cheeky to say when Alison walked into the room. Ever the wordsmith, the detective knew how to get what she wanted. If she saw a pretty girl she liked, she flirted. The doctor was no different.

Except she was different.

Emily couldn't put her finger on why she was different. Maybe it was the way Alison looked at her. Maybe it was the way she talked to her. Maybe it was because it had been six months since she'd been laid. She really needed a good fuck.

Whatever the reason, the blonde turned her on. She was so soft and gentle with her. Emily imagined she was sensual in bed. She wouldn't discover until later that she'd imagined wrong. She had no idea that the sophisticated professional had wild side.

Though the drugs made her feel hazy, she remembered their visits. She remembered a spark. And she was certain that the pain medications had nothing to do with the warm fuzzy feeling she had when the doctor walked into the room.

There was no denying that there was something blooming between them. It was in the way the detective looked at the doctor. It was in the way the doctor's touch lingered just a split second longer than it should have.

Once when Alison checked in on her Emily had pushed the boundaries by hooking her pinky finger into Alison's...just to see what she would do.

"Is this a pinky swear of some kind?" The doctor's cheeks had flushed.

"I'm hooked on you." Emily had winked.

Emily didn't let up on the flirting throughout her stay. She laid it on thick. It started to chip away at Alison's self-control.

There was one moment...a single moment that ignited a spark, perhaps lust...or perhaps something else. Whatever it was, it was a flame that neither of them could put out.

Alison had been checking Emily's stitches. She was close, close enough for Emily to smell the scent of her vanilla body wash. The blonde had leaned forward to get a better look in the exact moment that Emily adjusted herself on the bed.

Their lips were close enough to touch. Alison could smell the minty flavor of the hospital's toothpaste. She could practically taste the woman. Her eyes flickered to the brunette's lips, her urges screaming at her to kiss her.

They'd locked eyes. Emily had smiled sweetly and reached up to touch her cheek.

"We're verging on unethical here, Detective." But she'd slowly moved forward.

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