Over The Edge

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A/N: Try to remember going into this one that if you kill me then you'll never get to know what happens next.


Chapter 19:

Over the Edge

Emily was in the middle of clearing the table when there was a light knock at the door. It opened just a crack and then Spencer peered in. When she saw that the two of them weren't tangled up in the sheets she pushed the door forward and walked inside.

"Hey, Doctor Hastings." Emily waved.

"Detective Fields." Spencer seemed pleased to see her.

The surgeon acknowledged her by politely dipping her head forward. She faced Alison, who was still sitting at the table, wiping it down.

Alison liked things to be clean. She was a clean freak. Not a bad habit for a surgeon...or a serial killer.

The blonde glanced at Spencer. She could venture a guess as to why her fellow attending was happy to see Emily. Because Emily made some of her worst days better. And she'd had a hell of a day.

"Dr. DiLaurentis." Spencer cleared her throat.

They exchanged a look. Spencer's expression wasn't quite one of concern. It was more like a curious question.

"Dr. Hastings." Alison's response was formal, but not overly-emotional.

Don't you dare mention my outburst in surgery to my girlfriend. Her glare challenged.

Spencer seemed to get the hint.

Emily sat down next to Alison, leaving the other side of the table for the other doctor.

"There's leftover Caribbean in the fridge if you're hungry." Emily motioned for Spencer to join them, but the doctor politely declined.

"I'm actually waiting to try that place out with a friend." Spencer's mouth did a funny thing that Alison wasn't used to...she smiled. "Your partner, actually."

"Yeah, Toby was the one who recommended it to me. Said he was looking forward to grabbing a bite with you." Emily tried to talk her buddy up, even though he clearly didn't need the help. "He tells me you two knew one another once upon a time."

The statement stoked a spark of emotion out from underneath the stoic mask Spencer was wearing. Her smile widened. Her cheeks blossomed with color.

"My sister tutored him when they were both seniors in high school," Spencer scrunched her nose up as if she'd smelled something sour. A little sibling rivalry? "...though truth be told, my IQ is higher than hers."

Ouch. Hell of a shot at the woman recovering from a pregnancy loss. Alison was surprised at the low blow.

Alison assumed losing the baby was grounds for Spencer to be nicer to her sister. The Hastings had never really gotten along, because Spencer had always felt insecure about her place in the family...like she didn't belong because she wasn't related by blood to Melissa and their mother.

"I should have been the one tutoring him." A smug smirk.

There's the arrogant Spencer I love to hate.

"He was a senior and I was a freshman. He was always very polite to me, but I knew it was just because he felt like he had to be. He was proper and formal and all business when he came over to the house. Truth be told, I had a bit of a crush on him. He had a little bit of a bad boy streak in him, but he also had a good heart."

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