Stripped Bare

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A/N: This one is a beast of a chapter. Very dark content ahead.


Chapter 30:

Stripped Bare

Alison hadn't been able to think straight since she found Maya's key...and what it had unlocked. The images that had been left for her in that locker haunted her. The one with the child and the NAT club in particular gave her vivid nightmares.

The one of Emily terrified her.

What if the detective was next?

How long could Alison risk staying silent?

She was at war with herself. A part of her wanted to get it out in the open. She didn't like keeping things from Emily. It was as close as she could come to feeling actual guilt.

Lying to her wife felt wrong.

The other part of her knew that telling her was just a part of her own selfish desire to be rid of the secret. She'd never had a problem keeping it before, but she'd never been in love before either.

It had changed everything.

If she told her, she might risk losing her.

On the other hand, if she told her and Emily accepted her the weight would be lifted.

There was still a chance she could stop after she killed the ex-teacher and took care of the copycat. She'd stopped when she was in med school and she'd stopped when her aunt was on her deathbed.

But even if she stopped, she would constantly have a fear of Emily discovering it on her own. Those pictures would always be out there. That proof would always be hanging over her head.

Would the detective buy it if it was pinned on someone else? Or would she see right through it?

Lately, Emily had been looking at her like she was trying to figure something out. Alison wasn't sure if she was just being over-protective or if the detective was starting to put the pieces together.

Just give me a little more time, Em.

Alison stared at the blueprints of the house where her next target was staying. She had the file archived on her burner phone.

Despite her busy work schedule she had been able to track him down. It was her favorite part of the kill. The hunt. When the prey had no idea that the predator was waiting for an opportunity to pounce. Only she wasn't hunting prey. She was hunting other predators...and she was superior to all of them.

It had only taken the savvy doctor all of six hours to find him.

She'd stayed just far enough out of range of the surveillance that had been set up...something she didn't know about.

For two weeks she had watched him...learned his habits.

He stayed inside and read a lot. He ordered his food online. He had to specify that all the deliveries be made by someone over the age of 21. They mainly sent scraggly buff men.

It was basically like he was still in prison, but a prison of his own choosing where his fellow inmates couldn't try to kill him.

He needn't worry about the inmates anymore. There was a bigger threat looming.

She'd been trying to figure out the perfect time and a location to pose his body. School would be out in a few weeks. It would be fitting to end him there...where he'd tried to ruin her perfect little bouncy friend Aria.

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