Shadows of the Past

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A/N: This is the length of a Shakespearean novel. Let's call it flashback central.

Note: This chapter has some blood and gore and allusions to the NAT club.


Chapter 5:

Shadows of The Past

Alison escorted Emily to the waiting room, where the two were immediately ambushed by a mousy-looking little woman with a camera around her neck and a notepad in her hands.

Alison tried to stay poised when she saw her.

Born Alexis Plunkett in sleepy little Rosewood. She'd adopted the name Alexis Roselyn Drake, Alexis Rose for short, when she moved to New York. She had dreams of writing and starring in something big. When she fell flat on her talent-less face she'd had to settle for working behind the scenes instead.

She'd settled in journalism.

She'd dropped the Rose and started going by Alex instead of Alexis, so she wouldn't be reminded of her failed attempts at catching her big break.

Her thin straight brown hair was tied back in a ponytail. Her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose. She looked like she was acting the part of journalist, not that she actually was one.

Emily thought she was there to ambush her, but the girl turned her attention to Alison.

"Alison." She had a smirk on her face.

Alison tried to tamp down the seething hatred she felt.

"Alexis Plunkett," She knew Alex hated being called by her actual name. "To what do I owe this pleasure?" The word pleasure came out through gritted teeth.

"Alexis Roselyn Drake." The woman's pointed chin protruded as she clenched her jaw. She faced Emily. "Detective Fields. Fancy meeting you here."

Emily looked between the two women. She'd been dealing with Alex Drake for months. Her relentless calls about the murders were driving her crazy. She had no idea that Alison knew her, too.

"You two know each other?" Emily asked.

"We went to the same prep school." Alison faced Emily with a smile.

I want to drive a fucking railroad spike through her head. But what Alison was thinking and what she said were two different things,

"Same grade," the blonde's fake smile took up half of her face.

They had clashed in high school. Alexis had a habit of putting her nose where it didn't belong, making Alison's extracurriculars a bit more difficult.

The girl fancied herself as some kind of investigative journalist, editor of the school newspaper. She couldn't get enough of Alison's backstory. She'd always believed there was more to the story, and she had worked tirelessly to try and get the scoop.

Alison had always heard that high school was the time of people's lives.

For her, it wasn't.

o ~ O ~ o

~ Then ~

By the time Alison was a freshman in high school she had racked up an impressive body count for a teenage girl. Most teenagers were obsessed with pretty dresses and make-up. She liked those things, too, for the sake of blending in and appearing normal. But her true passion was killing people.

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