Little: George and Sapnap Cg: Dream!

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Prompt: an angel and a devil

Sap: 1

George: 2

No ones pov:

It was a 12pm on a Wednesday afternoon and Dream was getting ready to put the two littles to nap. They had previously ate Mac and cheese for lunch with a caprisun for George and a bottle with water for Sap. The littles had woken up Dream early in the morning to watch their favorite Disney show, Mickey Mouse clubhouse.

"Hey bubs do you want to get the two babas that are on the table for me?" Dream smiled as he kneeled down to where George was crawling. "Yah! I gesh baba fow me and swap!"  George said excited to help as he stood up shakily walking his way towards the babas as he gripped the couch until he got to the table crawling his way back to where Dream was now in the nursery with a whining sapnap.

"Da!" George tapped the caregivers leg as he looked up at him with his paci in his mouth. "Oh thank you! Here let dada put you in the crib come here" Dream placed the two babas on the changing table as he picked up George swinging him around for a bit and placing him inside.

"There you go! Night night baby" Dream smiled as he moved the hair out of George's face handing him the baba, quickly checking the pull up making sure it was dry. He spat out the pacifier he had in his mouth, "sap?!" George asked confused muffled around his bottle. "I'll bring him back he's just not happy" Dream sighed as he watched the now crying little Rub his eyes and pull on dreams pants. "ok, ni ni da!" George said understanding as he draped his sheet over himself turning around. Dream nodded and picked up the clingy little, walking out of the room.

"Tell me what's wrong baby I want to help" Dream asked the little who was sobbing his little heart out as he tried to keep his pacifier in his mouth. Dream wiped the tears off of the littles face, "do you think maybe some tv will help?" Dream asked the little calmly. The thing with the Dream team house is a grumpy little is very common coming from Sapnap, however Dream always has the patience to work through it at the end of the day.

The little shrugged and wiped his eyes with his sleeve accidentally knocking the paci out of his mouth. This triggered Sapnap to another level, he cried even harder as he looked at Dream for any signs of pithiness. Since Dream showed no signs only smirking as he shook his head picking up the paci and handing it back to sap he thought he was mad, thus making sap feel more anxious. Sap leaned forward as he threw his paci on the counter where he was sitting and leaned on dreams shoulders, putting his face in the crook of dreams neck.

"Aww baby no, It's ok I wasn't laughing at you, c'mere let's watch some paw patrol" Dream said grabbing the little from the hug,picking up the paci as well and carrying him to the couch. Sapnap stared emptily at the tv as he hiccuped his way through tears finally calming down. He was laying on the couch while Dream sat on the other end scrolling through his phone. He had completely forgotten about the crafts that were coming today from Amazon. He had ordered a couple of toy blocks for the two boys, specifically when they were little in order to keep them entertained, it was arriving in two hours!

He sat there occasionally looking over at sap to see if he was sleeping but unfortunately the little was wide awake, and crying? "Come here bubs, are you hungry?" Dream moved sapnap to his lap as he looked the little in the eyes. The little shrugged once again and clung onto Dream. Dream sighed picking him up and placing him on his hip as he took him to the custom made high chair, he had to accept that sap was just not tired. He sat him there and walked to the fridge getting out some apple sauce and a spoon from the cabinet.

"Here baby open" Dream said as he moved the spoon full of apple sauce closer to Saps face. The little enjoyed the "funny" faces Dream was making during feeding time. Finally Dream relaxed as he saw the little giggle and smile opening his mouth for more. Dream loved feeding Sap any type of baby food or liquid because he always sucked in his bottom lip as he chewed the liquids, something only he would do.

After about 6 spoonfuls sap wanted to feed Dream so he reached for the spoon. "oh you want to feed me, ok!" Dream agreed, anything to keep that smile on the littles face. Sap smirked as he grabbed the spoon with his two hands making sure to not let it fall, "yummm ba ba ba!" Sap muttered squealing smacking his lips together as he put the spoon in dreams mouth. Dream smiled as the little fed him the spoonful, sap giggling before setting it down and clapping. After all that was cleaned up, Dream realized it was about time the packages had arrived and George would wake up any time now. 

And so he did, George woke up and called for his "Da" as Sap sat in the living room watching tv and playing with his toy cars. "Hey bubs how was ni ni?" Dream asked the little who stretched in his arms. "good!" George replied paci in his mouth as he leaned back stretching his back out while dream carried him to the changing table. "Alright quick change and then I have something fun for you and sap to do!" Dream said as he pulled out a pull up and a dark blue one piece. The little whined but didn't fight letting Dream quickly change him into a new pull up.

"Alright here we're gonna build whatever you want!" Dream said as he pulled out a bunch of duplo blocks from a box. George cheered as he started grabbing the blocks, occasionally eating his banana Dream cut up for him. On the other hand sap was tired out and ready for nap time. The only issue is that if Sap gets put down for nap time, his sleep schedule will be ruined since the next nap time would be in four hours. Dream had a tough decision but he made up his mind and decided to try to see how long Sap could stay awake for.

His plan quickly backfired as the little became fussy and just about ready to fall asleep anywhere. "Baby look!" Dream shook some blocks in front of sap as he was closing his eyes. Sapnap's eyes shot open and he darted a angry look at Dream. Finally, sap had crawled to the edge of the rug and had curled up in a ball with his pacifier in his mouth trying to sleep. "sap wook Pway! I build towe dat is supa bwig!" George said excitedly showing Sapnap his "huge" tower he built. Angrily sap pushed his arm out to the tower quickly turning his head away with the pacifier still in his mouth.

"AHH DA DA" George squealed upsettingly tears falling down his eyes as his "long working" tower was broken in seconds. "Aww baby It's ok!" Dream tried to reassure the pouting little as he crawled to his caregiver. Dream handed George his pacifier as he calmed him down, stacking the tower again and setting him off to play. "Sap come here bubs" Dream said gently trying not to cause any distraught emotion out of the little.

Sap looked up wiping his eyes crawling to Dream. "Buddy you know that was not nice" Dream said gently putting the little on his lap who nodded. The littles cheeks streamed tears, quiet ones. "Let's go ni ni, I know you're just tired" Dream said standing up signing as he put the little on his hip. "I'll be right back Georgie ok?" Dream asked and the little nodded.

Dream softly placed Sapnap on the changing mat seeing how the diaper indicated it was wet. He cleaned up the little quietly trying to not wake the almost sleeping baby. After zipping the onesie closed he laid the little down on the crib, clipping the pacifier onto his shirt and switching it out for the baba they had left earlier. The little clung onto dreams hand not letting go as he looked up at the caregiver just nonchalantly starting at him as his eyes fluttered closed, Dream smiled to himself, rubbing the littles stomach as he waited until the breathing pattern had slowed and softened. He closed the door quietly and went back to play with the other little who had built a supposed restaurant.

A/n: is this kinda long idk? Anyways how are you guys?!!! I'm doing great!!!

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