Little: sapnap cg's dream and george

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Prompt: meetup pt.2

Sapnap: 2-3

No ones POV:

The next morning was pretty awkward. Sapnap woke up fuzzy but didn't want to slip because of what happened the other day. Although he was very grateful it was hard explaining but he got through it and now was fighting slipping. They were all on the bed watching tv or scrolling through their phone.

George wanted to take care of Sap, he loved to.  He noticed that Sapnap was a little grumpy and quiet this morning and searched it up, he knew he was fuzzy. George texted Dream although he was right here I order for sap not to hear:
G:   'should we help him slip?'
D: 'idk but yeah I kinda want too'
G: 'how tho?'
D: 'I'll make him a bottle you put cartoons on!'
G: "Great idea ok"

"Hey are y'all hungry?" Dream said looking over at the two boys. "Mhm" sapnap said trying to fight the urge to ask for a baba. "Yeah can you make me a warm bottle please?" George said looking over at Sap who was struggling to contain himself. "I'm not little!" Sapnap smacked back. "Who said it was for you?" George said looking back onto his phone. Sapnap just mumbled curse words. "I'm kinda bored I'll watch some tv, that ok?" George said looking at the control, sapnap just nodded. "Y'all I know what you're twy- trying to dw- do" he said slurring his words a few times. "What are we trying to do bubs?" Dream said holding the warm bottle up and passing it to George.

That was enough for Sapnap he stood up and left the hotel room he ran to the end of the hallway where the balcony was (it's a nice hotel) and sat there knees to his chest crying. The balcony was kind of hidden so you couldn't really see him. He had already slipped, it felt nice but he didn't like dada and Dream to help him, he was a big boy. "Stwupid dada and dweam i big boy no need bwottle ow cawtoons!" Sapnap mumbled to himself. Thank god he had a diaper on because he had an accident.

Dream and George looked at each other when that happened. "He definitely slipped but I know he isn't happy right now but I know he feels a lot better from that fuzzy mindset" George said getting up from the bed, a pacifier in his pocket. "We should go get him" Dream said opening the hallway door. It wasn't hard to find him because of his sobs and the fact he crawled up to George asking to be picked up. "I'm sorry bubba we didn't know you would get mad" George said rubbing the littles back. "Do you want baba?" Dream said as they walked into the room, sap on George's hip.

"Mhm pwease" sap said crawling up to Dream.
"Dream wait! Bubs did you go potty?" George said seeing as the indicator on the diaper was purple. Sapnap nodded but felt embarrassed so he hid in Dreams arm. "It's ok bubs George will get you changed!" Dream said laying Sap down. George quickly changed him although it was hard to put his pants on because he would kick but he managed. "New cwothe pwease" sapnap said frustratedly. "Oh do you want soft clothes?" Dream said about to give the frustrated little the bottle, he nodded. "George check if he has a onsei or something".
"He does it's a panda one" George awwed at it.

They changed Sapnap into the onsei and awwed at the odarable little. It was a bit big for him but that's what made it adorable. "Here's your baba sir" Dream said in a silly voice. "Tankies!" Sap said excitedly grabbing onto it. He drunk his bottle and fell asleep cuddling into the crook of George's head. George had picked up sap and carried him around the hotel

A/n: tysm for 11k reads! That's crazy I'm also sorry for not finishing requests, school you know? Anyways I love y'all and stay safe :))

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