Little: Niki Cg: Dream team Pt.1

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Prompt: Dream, George, and Sapnap had never really cared for a little so they learned some things about Niki!

Niki: 2-4

Day 1
Wilbur was out of town for 5 days so he had Dream, George, and Sapnap take care of Niki. Although they haven't really taken care of a little they were a bit excited to see what it was like. "Ok so what did he bring us?" Dream asked looking into a small suitcase. "Didnt he give us a list?" Sapnap said. "You idiot those are the rules" George said giggling at Sapnap. " Ok it says she has 10 changes of clothes-" "Why so many?" Sapnap interrupted. " Shut up let him talk" George told Sapnap. "Whatever, she also has a bottle, sippy cup, 2 pacifier, 1 stuffie, and pull ups?" Dream said surprised. "Uh uh, I call not having to change her" Sapnap said. "I don't care but Wilbur said she rarely has accidents and she can usually change by herself" George said. "Dada?" Niki asked interrupting their conversation. "Oh no" George turned to look at Dream. Dream sighed and squatted down to Niki's size. "Dada's not here princess, he had to go but he'll be back soon!" Dream said to Niki. Niki started sniffling, " No no don't cry, we can play all you want and watch as many movies as you want!" Sapnap tried to to calm Niki down. "Pway?" Niki asked. "Yeah you want to play?" George asked, Niki nodded. Dream and Sapnap pulled out some toys out of the suitcase and decided to bring them to the living room. Niki made grabby hands towards Sapnap asking to be picked up. Sapnap bent down and put her on his hip easily and walked towards the pile of cars and barbies. "Hewe fow u" niki said handing a small puppy to Dream. "Oh thank you!" Dream smiled. They played for at least 1/2 an hour until they heard a little yawn escape Niki. George turned to look at Sapnap and asked what time nap time was. "It was 20 minutes ago" Sapnap whispered. 1st mistake of the day , it was barely 10am it had only been an hour since Wilbur left. "Dream go make her a bottle, follow the instructions" George ordered Dream quietly as to not upset the little. "Niki let's go get you into some pajamas, yeah?" Sapnap asked. "Mm mm pway!" Niki yelled. "How about we get you changed and then we play?" George asked. "No!" Niki said, clearly you could tell she was getting grumpy from not getting a nap. George instructed Sapnap to pick up all the toys except the one she had in her hand and to pick a pair of pajamas  so that they could go and change her. "Niki look a bottle!" Dream said to Niki. A perfect distraction for Sapnap to pick up all the toys! Niki made grabby hands to the bottle but George stopped Dream from handing it to her. "How about we get dressed then we can drink the bottle?" George said as Sapnap had the clothes in his hand. " mkay" Niki said rubbing her eyes she was already drowsing off. Sapnap gave a big baby pink onsei and a pull up to Niki. " Go get dressed sweetheart" Sapnap said to her. She ran off to the bathroom but 2 minutes later all the three men heard were "hewp me". They stared at each other and played rock paper scissors to see who would go help. Dream lost and ran to the bathroom. "What's wrong princess?!" Dream asked softly. "Hewp wif onei" niki said pointing at the zipper. Dream quickly zipped it up and Niki made grabby hands to pick her up so he did. He brought her out and everyone cooed at her big onesie and pacifier in her mouth. "Baba?" She asked pointing at the bottle. George handed it to her and asked Dream to take her to Sapnap's  Room. He laid her down and gave her a stuffie and fed her the bottle she drowsed off. The 3 boys started at the suitcase trying to make outfits with the clothes Wilbur gave them. They were all simple colors and pastels. They read the rules and one of them was mannerism. Rule #5 Make sure she always says Please and thank you.

3 hours later Niki woke up and crawled to Sapnap. "Hey sweetheart, what's wrong?!" Sapnap said looking down at the little who noticed her hair all over the place and tears pricking her eyes. "Dada?" She said through her pacifier. Sapnap picked her up and place her on his thigh. "Dada is gone for a little bit ok? What do you want to eat?". Niki looked lost she started sniffling and calling out for her dada. Sapnap was trying to quiet her down but he just couldn't Dream walked down the stairs and picked up Niki who was now fully crying. "You wanna see dada?" Dream asked while bouncing her up and down. Niki nodded. "GEORGE CAN YOU CALL WILBUR" Dream yelled. George huffed and called up Wilbur.

"Hey! What's up?" Wilbur said. "Niki want's to see you" George said running down the stairs. Wilbur turned on face cam and saw Niki crying while Dream was bouncing her on his hip. "Hey  niki!" Wilbur said. Nihachu looked up and saw her caregiver on the phone she made grabby hands towards him, George handed her the phone. "Dada howme" Niki said hiccuping. "I can't mamas I'm not home but I will be soon, but... guess what" Wilbur said. "Wat?!!" Niki said excitedly. "Dream, Sapnap, and George are going to take you to get ice cream!" Wilbur said excitedly. Niki gasped asking to be put down. Dream put her down and Niki gave the phone to him. "Ice cream?, really Will?" Dream said rolling his eyes. "Come on it's the only thing that will cheer her up!". "Ok whatever" Dream said. "Oh also fix her hair it looks like a mess" Wilbur said. "I dont know how" dream said sighing. "Figure it out" Wilbur said quickly before hanging up. "Ok I can't do her hair. Umm... George you have somewhat long hair you do it!" "Sure" George said. "Niki come here" George said. Niki came running out Sapnaps door with her pacifier. She was adorable. "Sit here" George patted at the ground where he was sitting. "Sapnap give me her hairbrush and her rubber bands" Sapnap did so. George put her her up into two ponytails and called it a day. Dream looked through the suitcase and found some cute black leggings with a fluffy pinkish top and gave it to her along with a pullup. She ran to go put it on and like before she couldnt put on her pants, so Sapnap went to go help her and did it as fast as he could. She ran out and hugged Dream. Dream awed at the action the little did she was pulling his hand asking to go. They got in the car, Niki was sitting in the back she insisted George sat next to her, so he did. When they got there it was around 6pm so Niki insisted she stayed in the car alone. Of course the boys didnt let her so Dream picked up a very grumpy little. She asked for a brown ice cream which nobody knew what that was. "Choclate?" Sapnap asked. Niki nodded excitedly. They all got there ice cream and sat down outside. "Tank u Sappy!" Niki said as Sapnap fed her her ice cream. Sapnap awed at the nickname. "No problem". She didn't even finish half of her ice cream before she was full. "All done" George said as he wiped her mouth with a napkin. Sapnap picked her up and put her in the car. On the way home she started drowsing off again, it was around 8pm her bedtime. She layed on Sapnap's lap as she slept. When they got home he carried her in and layed her on Dream's bed and put her pacifier in her mouth. Although it was only the first day the boys really enjoyed the time with her and she felt like a little sister to them.

A/N: I might or might not continue this for the "5 days" that they have. I really enjoyed writting this. Also what would yall like to see.

Little: Sapnap

Little: George

Little: Dream

Little: ______ (write who)

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