Little: Tommy and Tubbo Cg: Wilbur

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Prompt: Tommy and Tubbo are walking along the path and Tubbo regresses while looking at some flowers and Tommy does as well and they go to their Cg.

Tommy: 2-3

Tubbo: 2-3

No one's pov:

Tommy was chasing Tubbo through the path when Tubbo got distracted with some flowers. "Come on big T, we have to go to Wilbur" Tommy said yanking Tubbo. Wilbur always insisted for them to be back before 8pm, it was 7:30. "Look at the flowers!" Tubbo said pointing at a rose. "I know but we have to go!" Tommy pulled on Tubbo. "Wait we gots to bwing wilby and niki won" Tubbo said plucking two flowers. Niki usually went over whenever Tommy or Tubbo were there to give them leftover cookies or whatever from her bakery. Tommy instantly regressed gearing Tubbo. "Otay huwwy" Tommy said plucking some out himself. Once the two boys got their flowers they ran to Wilbur's house.
"Come on in!" Wilbur said opening the door to the two, not knowing they were little yet. "Hewe fow u" Tubbo said handing him a blue flower. "Oh thank you tubs!" He said. "I flowe u too!" Tommy said handing Wilbur another blue flower. "Thank you Toms" he said realizing they're both little. "Ok let's go get ready before Niki arrives! First a bath because you're all messy from the mud" He said picking up both of them. Tubbo whined but Tommy giggled as he picked them up. When they were all done with their baths Wilbur helped them look for an outfit. "How old are you two?" He asked. They both held up a 2. "Welp you know what that means" he said handing them both a pull up and a onesie. They both whined but Wilbur ignored it knowing if he put attention to their crys they would become sensitive. "Hurry and change!" He said leaving them to change as Niki knocked on the door. "Hey Will!" She said hugging him as she stepped in. "Tubbo and Tommy are regressed around 2 years old by the way." He said, Niki knew about the age regression. As a matter of fact the two littles loved Niki since she always gave them gifts.

"All dwone" Tubbo and Tommy said at the same time as Wilbur gave them their pacifier. He walked down the stairs with both of them on his hips. Niki cooed at their outfits. Tubbo wore a big green onsei with a small bee on the left side. Tommy wore a big white and red onsei with a cow on the left side. They both had their pacifiers with similar designs to their onsei. "Wew awe flowes?" Tubbo asked. Wilbur handed them their flowers and set them down they crawled to Niki and gave her a Pink and white flower. "Thank you boys I also have a gift for you!" She said pulling out a pastry book with one chocolate chip cookie and one with a m and m cookie. They each took their cookie only eating 1/2 of it since Wilbur didn't let them have sweets at night. Niki helped Wilbur make Angel's milk for the two boys. When they were done they each carried one of the boys and laid then in the big bed handing them their plushie and bottle, spitting put their pacifier, they were clipped on. "Ni ni wilby and niki" tubbo said drinking his bottle. "Ni ni" Tommy said drowsing off. "Night boys" niki and Wilbur said.

A/N : I hope you guys liked this one let me know if yall want more bee duo or anything :)) Hope you have a great day or night!



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