Little: Sapnap Cg: dream and George

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Prompt: meetup

Request by: @pissbaby_notfound

Sapnap: 2-4

No ones POV:

Sapnap was excited to meet up with the rest of the Dream team but didn't know if he should pack his little stuff, he was scared of what would happen to their friendship if they found out. Sapnap stayed indecisive for a bit but then gave in and packed 3 pull ups, a pacifier, onsei, baby toys, bottles, and a blankie. He got on the plane feeling kind of fuzzy from the nerves but decided to ignore it. It was only a 3 day thing...

"Hi George!!!" Dream said running up to George. "Hi Dream!! You look so... tall?" George said looking up at how tall Dream was. "Haha , yeah, do you know when Sapnap is coming here?" They we're at the hotel. "Look behind you!" George said running up to Sapnap. "Hi guys!!" Sapnap said hugging them "Hi pandas are you excited?!!" Dream said helping him with the luggage. Sap almost slipped at the name, "uh yeah of course we're gonna have so much fun dude!" Sapnap said walking up the stairs with them. "You're so much shorter than me sap" George let out a giggle. "Shut up gog- George" Sapnap said playing it off.

Once they got into their rooms Sapnap felt himself slowly slipping. "What do y'all wanna watch?" Dream said as he turned on the tv. "Uhm whatever you guys want!" George said scrolling through twitter. And then Sapnap felt it he wanted to tell Dream not to change the channel but he couldn't, what if they thought he was weird, as Dream skipped through the cartoon section Sapnap felt himself begin to cry. Dream and George looked at each other confused...

"Hey sap you ok?" Dream said checking up on him. "Mhm just need a minute" sapnap said a little bit slurred as he walked to the restroom. "Sapnap are you good, do you need anything?" George said knocking on the door. Sapnap just stayed there with his thumb in his mouth and tears running down his cheek. "I'm coming in!" George said opening the bathroom door. When he opened it he felt a wave of confusion and shock. "Sap are you good? DREAM COME HERE" he said screaming the last part. "Yes what do you-" Dream said looking at the crying Sapnap.

After a few minutes of calming down sapnap finally George asked "hey sap care to explain why you're crying? We won't be mad or think bad of you, I promise!". That was enough to let Sapnap slip far. "I jus smwall and you and dada be mads at mwe bwut pwease i sowwy" sapnap slurred out. "You're small and don't want us to be mad?" Dream said looking over at George and Sapnap, he nodded. "Google it George" Dream said. Sapnap started crawling towards Dreams lap, he sat in his lap and played with Dreams fingers, he was very confused but went along with it.

"Age regression?" George read the whole text to Dream and they both agreed it must be that. "Uhm Sap how old do you feel?..." Dream said reading what to ask when someone is little. "I dis owd!" Sapnap said using Dreams fingers to hold up a 3. "Oh ok! Umm do you want anything?" George said looking over to Dream for reassurance. "Yesh baba pwease!". George looked at Dream confused. "Baba?" Dream said confused as well. "Mhm" Sapnap said sticking his thumb in his mouth,

George awwed as sapnap sucked on his thumb. He was adorable but he still had to figure out what baba means. "Look let's go to the bed and we'll see from there ok?" George said standing up. "Uppies pwease!" Sapnap said as everyone stood up but him. "Oh uhm yeah of course!" Dream said picking Sapnap up easily and placing him on his hip. They went to the bed and tried to understand what  Sapnap wanted until they finally figured it out. "Dream can you run to get some milk and I'll stay here with him?" George said as he put cartoons on for Sap. "Yeah sure anything else?" George shook his head as Dream left. "So sap what do you want to do?" George asked the little.

"Bwag pwease!" Sapnap pointed at the bag in his suitcase. "Ok bubs I'll be back" George said standing up. He opened the bag and was shocked to see all the stuff in there, although on the inside George was excited to take care of his friend. "You want toys bubs?" George said pulling out a fire shaped teether. Sap nodded and set the thing in his mouth. He babbled to George about the cartoon although he didn't understand what he was saying he agreed.

"I'm back!" Dream said carrying the milk gallons. "Yay baba!" Sapnap said excitedly. "I'll make it I have experience from when my sisters were younger" Dream said opening the milk bottle and pouring it in. "Fine by me" George said carrying sapnap. "Dada? I go pwotty" George and Dream looked at each other as he put him down. "Did you go or have to?" George said hoping he has to. "I gwo" sapnap said starting to sniffle. "Hey hey hey no no, don't cry we'll make it better ok?" Dream said squatting down to Sapnaps level. He nodded. "There's diapers in there I'll change him, you make the bottle" George said setting Sapnap on a towel on the bed.

He tried his best to do it quickly and he did! Sapnap was so happy as he babble on about whatever nonsense. "Babas ready!" Dream said shaking the bottle in front of the little who was playing with George. Sapnap squealed in excitement. He drank his bottle and soon fell asleep on Dreams chest. "I'll go get the paci!" George said getting up gently and switching out the empty bottle for the pacifier.

"I'm kinda upset he didn't tell us earlier... I love taking care of him" George said hesitating. "Yeah me too he's adorable! I just wish we knew how to care for him better" Dream said massaging the sleepy Sapnaps back. They had much to learn.

Pt. 2?




A/N: I hope you guys really like this one also thank you so much for 10k reads! that is crazy also if I haven't gone to your request yet I apologize I'm trying my best and yeah thank you guys so much for everything and I'll be sure to do as many requests as I can or caregivers and Littles whenever I have time.

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