Sleepy boys christmas

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Prompt: a sleepy Christmas, also yes there is Tubbo here ;)

Wilbur: 1
Tommy: 2-3
Techno: 4-5

No one's pov:

It was the night before Christmas morning. "Hey Phil! You put the kids to sleep?" Kristen asked watching Phil walk down the stairs. "Mhm, well... Tommy and Tubbo didn't want to go to sleep but I gave them their bottle so I hope they fall asleep" he said walking to the kitchen pouring 2 cups of coffee. "Thank you!" She said sitting down next to him in the dining table as they chatted about how the kids would react to their presents.

They weren't too far into their conversation when they heard two little foot steps and giggling. "Boys, what are you doing up? Santa won't come if you don't sleep!" Kristen said picking up Tommy and Tubbo, they had their pacifiers in their mouth. "Tommy says dat we's haf to give Santa om noms!" Tubbo mumbled around his paci as he was sat on the counter with Tommy. "Oh, uhm yeah Phil hand me some cookies" she said as she poured a glass of milk and set it on the table. Phil put the cookies on the tray, "do not fowget waindeer!" Tommy said pulling Phil's shirt. "Of course here look we'll put the carrot there" he said putting two carrots on the table. "Ok boys now let's go ni ni so Santa can bring you gifts" Kristen said picking the boys up and taking them back upstairs, they nodded and Tubbo rested his head on her shoulder.

The next morning...

"Dada!!! Mama!!! Wakes up!!!" Tommy and Tubbo both said as they crawled on to the two elders bed and shook them awake. "What's wrong baby?" Phil said sitting up. "Santa bwought gifs!!!" Tommy said jumping excitedly. "And and an he and waindeew ate cawwot and om noms!!!" He said stuttering out of excitement. "You boys wanna open the presents???" Kristen said sitting up as well smiling. "Yeshh!!!" They said almost bursting in excitement. "We'll first we have to get ready and then we can open them" she said causing the two littles to whine. "Or maybe we don't open them at all" she said jokingly, and the two boys immediately shook their heads as they got off the bed. "Ok but first we have to wake up Will and tech" Phil said opening the door as the two littles crawled to Wilbur and Technos shared room.

"Techie wakes up!!!" Tubbo said shaking Techno awake. "Huh?" Techno sat up confused. "It's cwismas! " Tommy said excitedly. Techno quickly got up and choose his outfit out as Kristen had asked him to as soon as she walked in the room. "Hey bubbas, it's time to wake up" Phil said carefully shaking Wilbur awake. He immediately started crying as he asked to be picked up. "Oh baby, it's ok!" She reassured him as Phil picked him up. His cry's turned into sniffles once he was given his paci. "Boys how old are you?" Kristen said assuming Will was at-least one since he's only like that when he's young. "I ams two!" Tommy said sitting down and showing two fingers up in the air. "I dunno" Tubbo said also sitting down as he raised a two and a three. "That's ok! What about you tech?" She said looking over at him. "Uhm I thinks I'm fouw" he said shrugging it off. "Ok! Well let's all get ready so we can open our gifts!!!" She said as she walked out of the room causing Tubbo and Tommy to follow.

She changed the boys into a new diaper and gave them their own significant onesie, Tubbo a light green one with a deer on the butt part and Tommy a red one with a Rudolph on the butt part, and of course their pacifier. The two kids crawled downstairs as Kristen helped Phil change Will and Techno into their onesie.

"Pwil why will not happy?" Tommy asked as he saw Will hide his head in Phil's shoulder as he carried him walking down the stairs. "He's just very small bubs" Phil said reassuring that he was ok, he nodded. "Can we open gifs now?!" Techno said sitting near the tree. "Of course, and then we have to eat breakfast!" Kristen said making it clear, the boys nodded and scurried to the tree.

"Hewe Will dis is youws" Tubbo said gently pushing two gifts toward Will. The little just let out a small gasp and tried to eat the package. "Here bubs let me help you" phil said gently opening the gift for Will. "Boys we're going to go in order ok?" Kristen said, the boys once again nodded. "Vwoom vwoom" Will said as he held up a car teething toy. The other boys gasped as Tubbo wiggled in his seat out of excitement. Phil helped him unravel his next gift, a pacifier attached to a stuffed light blue lamb, the little gasped and asked Phil to unpack-age it for him.

"Ok now tubs go!!!" Kristen said as she satchel the boy burst into a big smile. "Wowsh it it it it's a bee!!!" He said as a pacifier dangled from the stuffed animal. "Wow, do you need help?" Kristen said as she watched him shove the pacifier in his mouth and tried to open the box, he nodded sliding the box toward her. She opened it up and handed the opened box to Tubbo. "It's a wego!!!" He mumbled around the paci holding up a Lego set of cars and planes made for kids. Tommy gasped and kind of whined wanting that toy. "Ok Tommy now you can go!" Phil said watching as the little noticeably got more and more impatient.

He struggled opening the first gift but Kristen helped him open it, inspire was a pacifier attached to a cow stuffed animal, he quickly asked Kristen to open it and put it in his mouth. Then he had opened the other present which was a pack of hot wheels and a play track. "Tubs me and shu cwan wace!!!" He mumbled around his paci showing how the two cars on the packaging slid down the track at the same time, Tubbo gasped and nodded smiling through his paci.

"Boys calm down a little, Techno your up" Phil said as he bounced Wilbur on his knee. He opened his first gift and inside was a gold key? "What is this for?" The little said unsure, "open the second one!" Kristen said helping the little open it up. Inside was a treasure box, "ok now try to open it!" Phil said setting down Wil as he crawled towards Tommy and Tubbo. So he did, the little gasped and smiled as he saw that inside was Greek mythology figurines and a mountain to play with, it also had a bunch of gold bars he had to dig out and diamond ones too, and not to mention the amount of crafts he could do with all the sand colored play dough and kinetic sand. "Thank you so much Santa!!!" He said excitedly waiting for Phil to open the figurines. The other boys didn't pay much interest to Technos gift as they were playing with the cars.

"Boys Santa left a special surprise outside!!!" Philza said smiling as the kids ran to the outdoor sliding door, Will getting picked up by Kristen. "Open door pwease" Tubbo said trying to open the sliding door that had a child lock on it. Philza carefully opened the door as he led the kids to their backyard. "Wow!!!" Filled the air as the kids ran to their new playground. Will asked to be put on the swing. The kids played for as long as they could until unfortunately they had to eat breakfast.

Once they're were done eating Will was taken to go nap while the other littles went to go play outside. "Mama what is dat?" Tommy said pointing to a gift in the closet as he was walking out Will's room. "Oh don't worry about it!" She said gently as to not worry the little. Those gifts were for big them but for now they were very much enjoying their sleepy Christmas gifts.

And if u don't celebrate it, I STILL LOVE YOU

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