Little: Sapnap Cg: Dream and George

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Prompt: Sapnap didnt get a toy he wanted and woke up a little *cough*cough* mad

Request by: jun1p3rparkerr
Tysm!! All of you for the votes and for the request <333
Sapnap: 2-4

No one's pov:

      Dream and George had to desperately go to walmart for food, mostly for Sapnap. They had no Cereal, baby puffs, yogurt snacks, bottle mix, nor formula for Sapnap. "Dude we have to promise not to buy Sapnap any toys don't even mention it to him" Dream said writting down what they need to get. "Yeah plus he got a new toy set yesterday" George said packing the small diaper bag for Sapnap, he was around 2 years old.

      "Has he gone to sleep yet?" Dream said looking upstairs. "No! I tried setting him down for a nap but he insists on getting a snack, but we ran out" George said. Sapnap never liked taking naps but when he did take one he never liked getting woken up. "Uh oh is he cranky?" Dream said pleading on the inside he isn't. Whenever Sapnap is cranky when he's little he always gets his ways. "Just a little" George said rubbing his scalp. Speaking about the devil itself, Sapnap crawled towards George asking to be picked up, he had something in his mouth. George picked him up, "What do you have in your mouth baby?" Dream said walking towards them. "Mm mm" Sapnap said turning his head away and closing his mouth tighter. Dream squeezed his cheeks as George held him close, trying to see what's in his mouth. Sapnap's mouth popped open revealing he had a piece of sharpened metal in his mouth? "Spit it out" Dream said in a stern voice, not letting Sapnap's cheeks go. Sapnap started kicking and wailing, trying to push Dream away. "Hold still baby" George said grabbing him tighter. Finally Sapnap spat it out, it was a key inside his mouth. He cried and cried but George just plopped his Paci in shutting Sapnap up. "No, bad Sappy" Dream said pointing at Sapnap. "Dream quiet down he's already a mess just leave him alone" George said putting Sapnap down. Sapnap just  screamed louder. He was cranky since he hadn't had a nap. "We should go now" Dream said grabbing the keys off the counter and picking Sapnap up, he was now biting on his paci.

    Sapnap drowsed off in the car already half asleep.  "Here you go!" George said handing Sapnap a spoon full of ice cream, they stopped by McDonalds. "No" Sapnap said pushing the spoon away. "Oh, he's not hungry" Dream said looking over at them. A few minutes later Sapnap had fallen asleep, the two others didn't notice so when they arrived at Walmart they were met with a grumpy Sapnap.

     "We're here!!!" George squealed looking back at Sapnap. "Uhh... Dream" George said tugging Dream to look at Sapnap. "Shit" Dream said. "Ok you go get the cart and we'll try not to wake him up, then we'll place him in a cart" George said getting out of the car. The minute the door shut Sapnap started crying, he woke up. "Fuck fuck fuck" George said watching Sapnap through the window. "Dream someone woke up, and he isn't happy" George said looking as Dream had the shopping cart, he placed the diaper bag in the cart. "Come here baby" Dream said as he opened the car door and picked Sapnap up, he was sniffling at this point, he had his paci in his mouth. Sapnap's eyes lit up when he saw the Walmart sign, he knew. "Toysh?" Sapnap asked looking up at Dream, he was around 3 years old. "Uhm-" "Look a big star" George said interrupting Dream, he distracted Sapnap for now. "Wow dada is big wike you" Sapnap said pointing up. "Yes it is!" Dream just giggled.
      When they got in there was almost nobody there so that meant they had to be quick. They picked up all the food they needed and right when they were about to get the formula Sapnap said "toysh dat way!" rubbing his eyes from sleepiness. "Uhm, yeah we"ll see" Dream said turning the opposite way to get the formula with George. Sapnap just huffed and was already whiney.

      They had everything in the cart and were ready to leave to pay when "TOYSH!!" Sapnap basically "George quickly scan the things so we can leave!" Dream said running to self checkout. Sapnap started to cry kicking the cart where he was sitting and throwing his paci down. Luckily George scanned everything quick and they ran to the car with Sapnap on his hip. Dream just payed for everything and ran after them.

   When they got to the car they put the groceries in and then tried to put Sapnap in the  car. Key word "tried". Dream who was much more stronger than George couldn't put Sapnap in the car. Sapnap kicked and jumped up and down while crying, he was being held by his arms. (Its like when you're teaching a baby how to walk that's how he's standing, dream has his hands held up). "Come on Sapnap get in!" Dream said trying to carry Sapnap. George was already frustrated, he grabbed Sapnap by his under arms and pushed him in the car. "Dream close the door!!" George said as he sat Sapnap on his lap who was still crying and kicking. Dream shut the door and got in the driver's seat. "You ready?" Dream said through Sapnap's squeals. "Baby please calm down" George said trying to run his hands through Sapnap's hair. "Dream can you pass me his bottle it's in the bag" George said trying to hold Sapnap's legs from kicking. Dream handed George the bottle, Sapnap was still 3 years old. "Here sappy drank it" George said opening Sapnap's mouth with the bottle. Sapnap quieted down and was covered in tears. Soon he fell asleep. "Thankgod!" George said whispering. "I'll get home, put the groceries in and you pick him up and take him to your bed or his" dream said whispering. "Ok, whatever, wash his pacifier for me" George said looking at the pacifier in front of him, it was covered in dirt because of how many times sapnap spat it out. "Ok" dream replied with a small smile.

   When they got home everything went according to plan. Sapnap fell asleep cuddled next to George and Dream in a giant panda onesie, with his pacifier in. Although Sapnap tried he doesn't always get everything he wants.

A/N: Thank you guys again for all the votes!! Please make sure to leave any requests even if you just say who you want the little to be! 

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