Not everything is as it seems

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The whole idea of the love of beauty and the beast was shattered in a matter of seconds. Mal was furious. Adam and Ben had been held captive in their own house by belle. Of all people! She deserved to be in the isle more than any other child. She always did seem to think that she was better than the VK's in every way. Maybe there was something in that.

She was a better and more subtle villain than any of the second generation of villains. No one would suspect belle to be like that. Not in a million years.

And she used that to her advantage. She manipulated them and used her reputation to her advantage. Forcing her husband to live as she wished because she had the higher ground. Ben had grown up with that being the normal. And he had a good father who always made sure he was happy. Therefore a younger Ben never told people what was happening.

He kept quiet. Because that's what he knew, it didn't get him in trouble. Being quiet often got him praise from his mother. And he loved it. He always felt so accomplished after, his father always made sure he spoke on the other hand. He always said that children shouldn't be quiet. Children are created to be loud, obnoxious and oblivious.

Ben was by no means a introvert, why being shy he had no problem making new friends and starting up conversations.

This whole secret was a big one. And it was surprising that it stayed hidden for that long. It all led to different reactions. Mal was furious, Evie was surprised but not bothered, many others pitied. And it was overwhelming for the young Prince.
He kept insisting that it wasn't bad. That it was made out to be worse i their heads. But they wouldn't listen, with all right.

"Ben, take it from me."  Mal started. "Abuse is always bad, if there's anything you've convinced me. No matter how minimal the abuse was, the fact that it even existed is awful."

He shook his head. "It's awful, abuse really is. But she never really abused me." He insisted. Mal sighed as she cupped his face making him look at her. "Abuse is in many forms and can be well hidden. Neglect is abuse, and from how you're speaking and the hints you've dropped in the past, I'm thinking it must've been verbal abuse too." He shook his head. "Hints?" He asked.

"Comments, looks, confusion for things that we both know are normal. And now that I think about it you have some signs of an abused past" she bit her lip. He shook his head once again. "Like what? I'm completely ordinary!"

"It doesn't make you abnormal! Putting other peoples needs in front if your own because you don't feel like yours carry the same value is a trait many abused children has shown!" Lonnie jumped into the conversation. He was her friend. Since childhood, and she's been so blind.

She felt disappointed in her self and disgusted by Belle.


Adam on the other hand felt ashamed, ashamed to be pushed around like that. He was supposed to be a beast. A monster, scary and brutal. And he couldn't even stand against his own wife. He felt extremely disappointed in himself. He couldn't stand the pitying looks he revived from everyone. And while his ego might have been incredibly hurt his main concern was Ben.

Having the secret reveal like this will be hurtful. He'll be looked at differently and he'll be asked questions.

Ben was the sweetest and might come to feel ashamed and scared. He might also feel like he could've done something. Like it was his fault. Ben many times asked why things were like this when growing up. Why was he hit by his mother? "Why does mommy hate me?" "Mommy said I destroyed her life, did I destroy yours too?" The hazel eyes of his were big and wide as he asked. Trying to understand why his mom didn't like him like other mothers did.

The questions teared at his heart, and he cried many times. He's too innocent. Too innocent for this cruel world. Ben was always a priority. Since the first time Belle acted like that with Ben he has been careful.

Having Ben with mrs pots as Belle was raging or just keeping him calm when things got tough.


Belle was raging. How dare he! How dare that idiot dating her son get this involved in this viewing. How dare she simply comfort him as she didn't even care before hand.

She knew what she did was wrong of course, to know what you're doing and in which way it's illiterate can help you manipulate and understand the situation better. She has a better understanding over how to use the law to her advantage. She can now defend herself while using and twisting the words in the law book.

But they'd never think that this was a lie! They'd use Ben and make him confess. Making her look like some kind of monster. She was mean not evil! That child was going to be the reason she's going to the isle. With that witch as his girlfriend and everybody just loving him.

She's doomed. Damn her son, he was way to loved.


I've had such a hard writers block. I think this is where I start a part to, in the same book tho. Bens hidden past, time to uncover his secrets :)

I've been almost dead. But wattpad has been was to quiet so it was about time!

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