To Auradon

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I'm so sorry for the long break I've just had such a bad writers block and I still have but I decided to just publish something. Hope u like it! Also to be fair I have published many one- shots. So check that out!

The memory showed as Mal and Uma's eyes connected and how Harry and Uma nodded understandingly at her.

"Cuz, you couldn't really expect us to cause a seen or get angry could you?" Mal shook her head. She didn't expect that. But she did expect a little disappointed or annoyance. "Not really, I know you better than that" she told them as she rested her head on Ben's chest. God he was comfy.

God how Mal wished she could tell Uma that it wasn't willingly she left them but maybe it was for the better. Just maybe Uma and Harry along with so many other kids cold get a better life because of this opportunity.

"And my dreams did come true. All because of you Babe" Mal smiled at her king as he kissed her cheek. "You did this mostly by yourself. This is your accomplishment, remember that Mally" He then kissed her nose making her giggle slightly as she put his face away. "Dad is glaring at you. I don't think he likes how affectionate we are" Ben blushed slightly before murmuring something that sounded like "I don't care" before placing his lips on hers. Neither of them noticed the even angrier looks from Evie and Belle.

While the three other teenagers argued over the candy Mal's mind wandered.

"Gasp, Mal is thinking. That's dangerous and uncommon" Celia laughed at her sisters behavior. "I can be smart too!" Mal protested.

How will it be in Auradon? How will everyone react? And will they trea-

"Well all of those answers could be bad in some way. But in the end it all ended good" Mal along with many others thought. "Don't think like that" Ben murmured against her hair.

She was cut of by Evie screaming something she couldn't quite catch and the she saw the water it front of them. The bridge ended right in front of them. How did they forget there's no bridge? How in Hades name did the limbo get to the isle in the first place?

"I-" Uma started. "How didn't we think of that?" They all ignored hades' protest if his name being used as a 'cuss'.

She felt Jay hold her tight to ensure that if they fell she would stay safe. She smiled slightly at the thought and closed her eyes tight as she held onto him. She couldn't swim. How will this go?

Ben smiled appreciably at Jay as they shared a look. Mal was precious to both of them. Only in different ways.

To be honest this was something to laugh at now after it happened but soon they are realized that the fall never came and opened their eyes.

"It was humiliating, a princess shouldn't scream" Evie murmured kicking her feet to the ground.

They all gaped in awe as it slowly formed a golden bridge in front of them. The magic kind of reminded her of pixie dust. From what she heard from Captain Hook and Harry it looks just like it but the only difference is that this wasn't making them fly.

"That's actually and accurate description, why haven't I thought of that?" Said and thought almost everyone.

The bridge slowly came to an end and now the teenagers where instead gaping at the beautiful and magnificent nature of Auradon. "Damn Steph, you have style" Mal muttered before hearing Jay snort beside her. She hit him in the ribs with her elbow before rolling her eyes.

"Well im not a goddess for nothing, baby" Steph giggled. "I didn't marry her for her bad sense of style" Hades said laughing. (Damn. He had some mood swings in this chapter, alright) "So you married me for my sense of style" "I didn't says that!" "You did-" And now he's apologetic. He sure has some real mood swings.

Jay handed her a candy as he noticed that she hadn't eaten anything and then smiled at her softly. "It'll be okay" he said as he came closer to her making sure the others didn't hear.

Carlos frowned. He understood where it was coming from but it still hurt.

Whatever happened Jay would be there to comfort and help her. Just like he has always been.

"Damn right!" Harry coughed. "And when I'm not there you're second choice will be Har- wait no ben. Then harry!" Jay laughed. Harry looked offended and raised a hand to his heart to mock hurt. "You'll come to me first though?" Ben asked. "Always."

A big overprotective brother. Plus his good looks and ability to steal really are useful on the isle. She didn't know what but there was something girls likes with that hair.

"I mean I could tell you" Lonnie said. "Maybe during the next slumber party." Mal chuckled. "You talk about us? What do you say?!?" He was ignored. "No seriously what do you talk about!"

Maybe it was cause it's shiny. I mean it sure wasn't his personality. I mean the only thing he did to others on the isle was stealing from them. And from the lack of water on the isle it sure wasn't his smell that attracted people.

Harry laughed loudest out of all. Gasping out something that sounded like "Karma". He also gave Mal a high five along with Uma.

But he had the looks to attract them from afar. Just done come near him and everything will be fine. But to his defense he does love a lot in daily basis to provide for his fathers shop and to keep that Sixpack of his. And those muscles.

"HOW DO YOU KNWO ABOUT THE SIX PACK?!" Lonnie screeched. "How do you know about them!?" Mal screamed looking suspiciously between Lonnie and Jay.

Mal wasn't attracted to Jay in the slightest but she wasn't blind.

"You sure? I mean you had a few moments where I seriously doubt that statement but-"

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