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A new memory started to play. And this time Mal was once again outside of Bargain castle.

"I almost forgot how scary that place looks" Naveen muttered. Tiana heard him and nodded. "I can't believe a child needed to live in there. And with Maleficent" Tiana whispered to her husband. "Guys I can hear you" Mal told shouted. "You're really bad at whispering" Mal told them with a chuckle. While the married couples cheeks started turning red.

But this time she walked through the door. As she walked into the castle she called home she was instantly greeted by a smirking Maleficent, who put an arm around Mal's shoulder. "You my dear just made me happy"  Maleficent told mal. 

"A happy Maleficent is never good" Uma said with a shudder. "Yeah" mal told her friend. "Last time I ever saw her that happy was when she found out we would go to Auradon." Mal told them. Jay nodded along agreeing with the two girls.

Mal shuddered at the joy in her birth mothers voice. She knew that a happy Maleficent was bad!

"Told ya" Uma said with a little smile. Mal shook her head with a smile of her own. "Yes Uma" mal told her best friend.

Mal took a deep breath trying to steady her voice. "Why's that" Mal asked inwardly wincing as she regretted her words. "Don't play dum child. You pranked that unpleasant friend of yours. And it was a good prank. The whole isle now knows the price of betraying us" Maleficent said her smirk only growing bigger and bigger.

"Excuse me" Uma shouted. Her smile gone. "Her what now" The teal haired girl screamed. Mal sighed. "Uma take it chill. She's an idiot and insane. The only one she ever talks with is a bird. Don't listen to her" She smiled at her friend who smiled back at her. Uma wrapped her arms around Mal's shoulder and chuckled.

"yes mother" Mal told the horned woman. Mal walked away from her mother and into her bedroom not missing the joyful look on her mother's face. Her mother was insane and it was no denying it.

Many people chuckled at this. Past mal and present mal is quite similar.

She sighed as mal plopped down on her bed. How did her dad live with this women voluntarily? Why did he marry her? Why did he have to get her pregnant?

Many people look as at hades wanting answers. "I don't know. It just happened" Hades said putting his hands up in defense.

The isle would be so much better if she didn't exist! Mal sighed. It wasn't time to think thoughts like that. Because she knew that every time she stood in the end of that cliff she never jumped.

Ban gasped as he held her tighter. Other people had wide eyes and their mouth was open. Hades hair set in fire and the gods was shocked. Zeus looked down.. he didn't do anything he could've helped her. If he just had helped Persephone when she asked for help telling him that hades has a daughter who was getting abused instead of ignoring it telling them that they had no proof that Mal was actually hades daughter. Ban kissed Mal's head and held her close. "I love you and I'm happy that you didn't do it. It's going to be okay sweetheart" he told her lovingly wanting her to know that he wasn't angry.

She didn't know why but she couldn't do it. Every time she look out at Auradon she felt like something- someone was telling her not to.

"It was you Ben" Mal told him as he gasped. "True love" She told Ben with a smile which Ben gladly retuned. Ban lifted Mal's head up to face him by placing his fingers under her chin. He placed a soft and gentle kiss on her lips making her smile. Uma, Harry and Jay looked at them and smiled. Their purple haired friend had found her happily ever after.

It kept telling her that it wouldn't work and that Hades will bring her back and that she needs to think of her friends and family. Mal who was sitting at her bed once again took the blade that she a few days earlier threw on the ground by her bed. 

"Are you still doing it" Ben asked slowly. Mal shook her head. "I stopped after cotillion" Mal told Ben making him frown. Cotillion was six months ago. "Why did you stop sweetie?" "I have you and I was myself. I didn't need it anymore because you where there" Mal told her fiancée. Ben smiled he made her stop and he was glad.

She sat down at the floor in her room and started cutting her arm as blood started dripping down her arm and down on the ground. Mal was careful not to get any blood on her clothes. She may be hurt and broken but she wasn't dum. She didn't have much clothes and getting the ones she has bloody is dum. She already had a bloody carpet from her mother beatings. A little more blood won't hurt. Her thoughts was interrupted by Jay who had made his way in her room through the window without her noticing. He looked at mal and the dagger in her hand in horror. He quickly recovered himself from the shock and only asked two questions. "When?! Why?!"  He took the dagger from her and placed it on the floor before he sat down beside her. He took a first aid kit that was as placed under Mal's bed and started patching the cuts. When he was done mal answered.

Hades and Persephone along with many other gave Jay a thankful smile.

Mal took a deep breath her nerves showing. She knew that he or the other would find out but she wasn't prepared for their questions. Mal had tears in her eyes as she refused to cry and break her promise to herself. She looked at her hands on her lap.  "After I left the underworld. And I don't know why... I just I felt betrayed and hurt and somehow this helped" she said fast trying to answer his questions without breaking down.

Hades and Persephone sighed. They where the cause of this. Hades who before sat on his mother's lap made his way up to mal and sat down o her lap. Ben now had mal and hadie sitting on him. "You okay there" Uma she's with a chuckle. "Yeah they're not heavy" he told Uma. "I mean Mal's so tiny" Ben added. Mal smacked his chest and pouted. (You know the cute Dove Cameron pout) they all chuckled while Ben smiled at the fairy in his lap. He loves her pout.

Her voice was small and broken and it broke Jays heart. He may not show love very often but he deeply cared for mal and nothing will change that. "Did you ever want to go further" He asked, worry and concern being the only emotions showing. He want mad just worried and that made mal feel better. "I wanted to, but something told me not to do it and I didn't. But I found myself near the cliff many times. " Mal told him.

He gave her a hug as she cuddled into his side seeking protection and warmth. " you'll get through this. I'll help you, you can do this I believe in you, dragon. I'll never leave you side. " He told her stroking her back as he smiled at the little smile that grew on her face.

"Thank you Jay" Mal told him smiling too. Many people looked at Jay with pride. And Mulan and Shang was now more than happy to let their daughter date him.

Over the years Mal and Jay grew close, and they where siblings no matter what anyone said. And even though they lived on the isle Jay always made sure she was safe. Mal smiled at Jay as she rested her head on his shoulder seeking some sort protection. He lifted her from the ground and placed her on the bed before laying down beside her. Jay made her feel safe just like a brother should. But mal knew that she won't be able to stop completely but maybe do she wouldn't find herself on the edge of that cliff anymore.

Did you ever find yourself by the cliff again" Uma asked worrying. "No Jay really did help me" Mal told Uma while sending a thankful look at Jay.

Did you like it??? Thanks for reading!! Have nothing more to say except that I wanted to make Jay and Mal's relationship strong in this book.

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